Actor Common Eun Suk Questioned On The Whereabouts Of His Many Purebred Pets, Confirms They've Been Rehomed

Article: Where did all your pets go? Park Eun Suk nether tilt of abandoning pets

Source: Seoul News via Naver

1. [+2,075, -100] Before he became famous, I came across his postal service close rehoming his truthful cat because he was likewise busy to heighten it. We exchanged contact information together with I received videos together with pictures of the cat. I together with then decided to adopt the truthful cat together with deposited my fee. A few days earlier I was laid to accept it home, I asked if it was vaccinated together with upward to appointment together with he told me that he never took it to the vet together with that he vaccinated it personally at habitation thence he doesn't have got whatsoever tape of it... Well, I realized that I wouldn't live able to say what its wellness status was similar ㅜㅜ thence I gave upward my deposit together with told him I wasn't willing to accept the risk. I told him to but purchase it some treats alongside my deposit...

2. [+1,711, -89] All of his pets are purebreds that hold off similar they were bought at nowadays from a pet shop. As a swain pet possessor myself, he doesn't plough over me the impression that he respects pets every bit their ain life. I concur alongside what his college classmate said... create non cosplay every bit an beast lover. I no longer desire to encounter him inwards the media anymore. Please halt showing off your purebred pets on 'I Live Alone'. If anything, nosotros should live putting upward warnings on the episode cautioning people from adopting pets without research. All of the purebreds that are featured on TV goal upward existence pop choices that eventually goal upward abandoned i time the tendency dies.

3. [+1,356, -61] I felt suspicious close why he of a precipitous had a 3 calendar month quondam retriever puppy but correct earlier his filming for the episode... together with I jurist my concerns were accurate... ã…¡ã…¡;;;

4. [+384, -125] Wow, I never watched his drama thence I solely constitute out close him through 'I Live Alone' but at nowadays I actually experience bad for him. He gave upward his citizenship to deed inwards Korea together with fifty-fifty served inwards the regular army to lastly larn his lift some spotlight on TV together with at nowadays some college classmate comes out of the woodwork to study something that is totally ending his epitome ã… ã…  what a scary world

5. [+259, -15] I don't intend he's an beast hoarder... he but treats animals similar props. His classmate is right. He treats pets similar a novel purse or accessory that he abandons when he gets bored of. He's e'er buying upward the latest, trendiest breeds, together with it's clear from his history that he has a designing of abandoning together with buying pets.


Source: Naver

1. [+425, -23] If y'all decided non to continue your pet together with rehomed it away, that's withal abandoning your pet. Just because y'all didn't throw it out on the streets doesn't hateful y'all didn't abandon it thence don't deny it.

2. [+368, -185] I don't know why everyone's out to larn him. Seems similar anyone who earns some fame on TV causes people to commencement looking for flaws inwards them.

3. [+180, -12] It feels a fleck weird that he ended upward rehoming all those pets to other friends. So does he solely continue them or thence when they're minor together with cute together with and then plough over them away to friends later? His reply feels rattling irresponsible when we're talking close actual lives here.

4. [+150, -33] Well, if he gave them all away to friends, I desire them all to bear witness that they have got them too

5. [+101, -1] Pets are non dolls that y'all tin purchase upward together with throw away when they larn old

6. [+46, -3] I'm e'er suspicious when I encounter celebrities demo upward on TV alongside pets that are iii months old. Feels fishy that they decided solely at nowadays to larn a pet when they knew they'd live on camera. It's funny that they all goal upward existence rehomed to "friends" too.

7. [+36, -2] Considering that he rehomed multiple pets, he should've known to halt adopting to a greater extent than if he couldn't grip them

8. [+26, -1] His excuse doesn't brand sense. Why would y'all continue adopting to a greater extent than pets when y'all rehomed some already?

9. [+28, -4] I enjoyed his episode on 'I Live Alone' so... I'm disappointed ã…  pets are non toys. Unless you're willing to live alongside them for life... delight create non adopt them at all.


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