Another Green Eun Suk Scandal Comes To Light

Article: Park Eun Suk sued for compensation inwards spreading faux information

Source: Insight via Instagram

1. [+890] No affair how famous he's become, I yell back it's problematic that he's instruct involved inwards this many scandals

2. [+449] Here's a adept argue why people should sweat to alive variety lives

3. [+275] Now that he's famous, they're all popping out of the woodworks...

4. [+319] He was sued earlier he earned fame through 'Penthouse' as well as then this isn't only a illustration of about jealous hater trying to bring him downwardly directly that he's famous. There were articles close it inwards the tidings earlier too, only that it never gained traction since he wasn't famous. It's inwards the spotlight directly since he's already on the chopping block for his fauna abandonment stuff.

5. [+260] If solely he handled his commencement scandal amongst the fauna abandoning better... 😔

6. [+220] Find strength, at that spot are those on your side too

7. [+818] This doesn't audio similar a illustration of someone beingness a jealous hater as well as trying to bring him down. He was spreading faux rumors close someone when he was a consummate nugu ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ his victim fifty-fifty talked close wanting to move because of it.. And how is abandoning animals 8 times inwards a row nomrla at all? The fact that all these bad things close him are coming out only way that they would've hitting his career whether he hitting stardom directly or later. You reap what y'all sow, after all.

8. [+249] He was only never meant to succeed every bit a celebrity inwards life ㅜ

9. [+318] So many scandals popping out of hither as well as there... It's best to rest neutral until the truth is all out. 

10. [+71] All it takes is 1 scandal for the residual to come upwards out... People are as well as then quick to milk tremble someone downwardly to dust in 1 trial they instruct the chance. Are solely the super build clean allowed to endure famous?

11. [+52] Wow, they only maintain coming

12. [+39] The fact that the lawsuit was accepted way that.. the victim isn't completely lying ... Let's all sweat to alive variety lives.

13. [+66] Should've been a adept somebody from the start, tsk tsk

14. [+39] To all the people maxim people are solely attacking him directly that he's famous... uh, is at that spot about variety of dominion that exempts the famous from paying the consequences of their mistakes? You can't blame the populace for outing their crimes... unless y'all desire to encourage the rich as well as the powerful to move on committing crimes without consequences?

15. [+15] He's in conclusion famous... as well as instead of happy stories from staff accounts, all he's getting are negative scandals... If he had been a adept somebody on the regular, at that spot would endure others coming forwards to defend him, as well as withal at that spot are none...


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