'Recalled' Motion Painting Managing Director Defends Seo Yeji's Gaslighting Scandal

Article: Director who worked amongst Seo Yeji blames Kim Jung Hyun, "The somebody who listened to the gild is the problem"

Source: Han via Naver

1. [+5,502, -154] I larn that her motion painting is of import to her but how tin she blame the somebody who listened to the orders too non the somebody making the orders?

2. [+4,456, -81] Is the manager nether her land too?

3. [+2,745, -73] This only sounds similar she's blaming the somebody who was slapped too non the somebody doing the slapping. And is in that place fifty-fifty a demand to assess who is to a greater extent than to blame? I'm only horrified at the truth that's been revealed behind her mask all this time.

4. [+1,507, -44] I larn that she can't beak sh*t nigh her leading star inward her motion painting but... what a hard province of affairs for her

5. [+1,101, -54] What's this charge of sh*t? Is she shielding her because she's inward her movie?

6. [+551, -5] It's non nigh that. If yous read all of the accounts, she has a designing of abusing her ability against the weak. Obviously she wouldn't convey acted similar this to someone higher inward condition than her similar her ain manager too then of course of teaching she hasn't witnessed whatever of her problematic behavior.

7. [+344, -8] ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ Is this manager sane? Then what does she intend of the 'Time' producers too all that they've suffered?;;; I was going to spotter this motion painting out of sympathy for the manager having to bargain amongst Seo Yeji's mess but straight off I've lost all interest.

8. [+328, -4] What a thoughtless statement. Seo Yeji is equally much to blame for making such ridiculous orders equally is Kim Jung Hyun for next them. It's obvious the manager is trying to shield Seo Yeji inward whatever means she tin because her ain motion painting is on the occupation but proverb materials similar this alone turns me off from wanting to encounter it.

9. [+296, -6] How is this whatever dissimilar from blaming people who autumn for a cult than the cult itself...


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