Luna Denies F(X)'S Disbandment Rumors

Article: Luna denies f(x)'s 'disbandment rumors' too gives promise for a comeback

Source: Insight via Instagram

1. [+142] I don't mean value f(x) tin always accept around other comeback... Victoria has moved to a Chinese agency... Krystal has moved to around other agency... too then has Amber. They're non disbanded merely I don't meet a comeback happening.

2. [+20] Victoria seems to accept left for Communist People's Republic of China spell harboring a lot of anti-Korea take in too then is at that spot all the same a possibility of a comeback amongst the remaining three?

3. [+8] A comeback isn't possible because of Victoria

4. [+1] My kickoff too end woman soul grouping that I was a fan of ㅜ 💜 I immature adult woman f(x)

5. Come back, f(x)!

6. Just don't convey dorsum Victoria ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹

7. f(x) jjang 💜

8. Feels incorrect to accept Victoria back, no?? She ran away to Communist People's Republic of China too harbors anti-Korean sentiment!

9. Wait, they're non disbanded yet?

10. Oh, this breaks my heart.. ã… ã… 


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