Soojin Halts Promos, Seo Shin Ae Writes Poetic Post Service Expressing Feelings

Article: Soojin halts promos, Seo Shin Ae shares feelings... "Memories that come upwards up to the pharynx amongst my tears"

Source: Money Today via Naver

1. [+2,012, -10] She must travel banished from the manufacture forever

2. [+1,185, -25] Shin Ae has quite the agency amongst words ã…‹ detect strength, Shin Ae-ya ^^ You are forever our 'High Kick' Shin Ae ^^

3. [+607, -10] Her poetic words actually assist you lot experience the suffering her pump has been through. I'm thankful that she was able to withstand it all.

4. [+561, -4] Let this travel a lesson to elementary, middle, as well as high schoolers... that anyone involved inward gangster as well as iljin activities volition travel industrial plant life out as well as volition travel met amongst failure. It's the solely agency nosotros tin dismiss decrease the amount of violence inward schools..

5. [+287, -7] How tin dismiss the victims of bullying ever travel compensated for??

6. [+141, -3] Wow, Seo Shin Ae's writing ability... I'm inward awe

7. [+109, -1] Halting promos won't travel enough, she should travel forced to operate out the group

8. [+107, -2] I choked upwards reading Seo Shin Ae's post. She has deep thoughts. So dissimilar from a for sure other mortal who keeps denying everything. I back upwards you!! You volition solely guide hold saltation days inward the future.

9. [+89, -1] Each business seat me inward awe. It's a postal service that couldn't guide hold been written past times anyone other than someone who suffered silently.

10. [+33, -0] She must've been bullied badly. No wonder she dropped out of school. The audacity for Soojin to claim that their memories powerfulness travel different... All bullies, celebrities or not, deserve to travel met amongst verbalize failure. Scare all of the hereafter bullies as well as dry out out the roots at the essence of the issue.


Article: G-Idle's Soojin halts promos afterwards schoolhouse bullying controversy

Source: Insight via Instagram

1. [+616] Halt? She should travel taken out of the group...

2. [+246] And thus what well-nigh April's Naeun then?

3. [+190] And where's the apology?? When victims are crying tears of blood??

4. [+228] Looks similar all you lot middle as well as high schoolers amend travel expert kids if you lot desire to larn a celebrity

5. [+288] You reap what you lot sow

6. [+193] You reap what you lot sow

7. [+48] Let's all endeavour to alive form lives

8. [+29] Just stop promos for the residue of your life... don't intend a hiatus volition develop this

9. [+6] She belike never imagined that such a matter could hand off to her... precisely you lot should know that if you lot brand someone vociferation tears of blood, it volition e'er come upwards dorsum to you

10. [+2] If you lot wound someone, it volition come upwards dorsum to you


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