Lee Ji Hoon Volition Non Convey Extra Compensation To Refilm 'River Where The Luna Rises'

Article: Lee Ji Hoon volition non possess got extra compensation for refilming 'River Where the Moon Rises'

Source: Insight via Instagram

1. [+1,002] Ji Soo should possess got to pay for the actors' compensation out of his ain money...

2. [+699] Why all of this suffering because of Ji Soo

3. [+524] He's taking on the burden himself when it was caused past times mortal else. This makes me desire to spotter the drama. I never knew it existed earlier all of this.

4. [+349] Ji Soo should possess got to compensate everyone

5. [+283] It'll survive skilful for his hereafter prospects. Now directors volition know they tin shape him because they trust him to line through.

6. [+109] So much suffering from all the staff, actors, directors because of Ji Soo. Imagine working hence difficult to cinema everything together with hence having to practise it all over again.

7. [+131] What an amazing guy 😊

8. [+24] It should survive coming out of Ji Soo's money...

9. [+27] That is hence form of him

10. [+13] Ji Soo-ya, pay for this


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