Kwon Mina Reveals She Was Sexually Assaulted Inwards Schoolhouse Past Times Mortal Currently Famous

Article: Kwon Mina, "S*xually assaulted inwards school... famous plenty to name"

Source: Donga Ilbo via Naver

1. [+337, -3] Reveal who it is. If y'all run into trash inwards the street, alternative it upwards together with throw it away. You shouldn't avoid it but because it's dirty. Kwon Mina, uncovering strength. The world volition aid you. Please muster your bravery. Trust that this province has to a greater extent than people fighting for jurist than not.

2. [+168, -5] It hasn't been long since we've been able to accomplish a gild where nosotros could confess to something similar this. She has aught to lose, together with I'm certain she hopes to process her by wounds through action. I back upwards her... I trust that she tin uncovering happiness. I promise that she fights this amongst forcefulness together with that she loves herself plenty to overcome it.

3. [+140, -1] Mina-ya... delight overcome this... together with come upwards dorsum ♡

4. [+130, -1] Reveal who this individual is, someone who has the audacity to operate equally a celebrity later assaulting someone. Don't permit him become away amongst fooling his fans.

5. [+55, -3] Find forcefulness together with proceed living amongst bravery. I volition pray that y'all solely conduct keep happiness together with bloom paths inwards your way. I back upwards y'all !

6. [+27, -0] She should live on allowed to bring out his name

7. [+16, -0] We equally a gild bespeak to allow victims to live on brave plenty to bring out their hurting to us together with then that nosotros tin conduct keep them warmly without bias

8. [+14, -0] Kwon Mina-ssi... y'all bespeak to bring out his advert together with then that to a greater extent than victims aren't seat inwards harm's way... actually, in that place mightiness already live on together with then many to a greater extent than victims aside from but you, Mina-ssi. You were brave plenty to bring the origin step. This is aught to live on embarrassed of. You must live on brave plenty to bring out him now.


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