Monsta X's Kihyun Admits In Addition To Apologizes For Beingness A Schoolhouse Bully

Article: Monsta X's Kihyun posts apology later on schoolhouse bullying victim reveals medical note

Source: Wikitree via Instagram

1. [+467] So he's basically admitting that he committed schoolhouse violence?..

2. [+437] Does he intend ane work of apology volition brand him forgiven?

3. [+352] Farewell to yous too

4. [+220] Seems similar there's a schoolhouse bullying scandal every hateful solar daytime these days... These victims are able to larn apologies because these celebrities are famous but... what close the other victims?

5. [+149] Seems similar Monsta X is ever getting into scandals over issues of morals. If they genuinely felt sorry, they shouldn't convey overstep populace figures. Why create yous intend you're deserving of fame as well as coin from the populace when yous tortured others similar this?

6. [+293] The bullies never remember

7. [+140] If he's going to apologize, he should simply apologize. Way also much irrelevant wordy materials inwards the beginning.

8. [+194] Why's he talking close how much he loved singing equally a tiddler when he should live on apologizing close committing bullying ã…‹

9. [+52] Why is Monsta X as well as thence problematic?

10. [+13] Leave the group


Article: 'School bullying rumor' Monsta X's Kihyun "Deeply reflecting"... shares his educatee records

Source: MBN via Naver

1. [+946, -49] The responsible affair to create would live on to acknowledge his mistake as well as larn out the grouping ã…‹ã…‹ what does sharing his educatee tape convey anything to create amongst this? Does that brand the fact that he was a schoolhouse dandy overstep away? ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹

2. [+571, -7] Student records are difficult to believe because teachers simply write them upward based on a formula...

3. [+297, -5] Teachers barely create amount out educatee records properly because if yous really write downwardly whatever faults or cons, parents volition written report you. Student records are practiced for proving evil but non for proving good. Records of schoolhouse bullying are also erased from the organisation ane time yous graduate.

4. [+103, -36] Who is this nugu

5. [+42, -0] Him sharing his educatee tape is funny to me. Teachers don't create amount those things out anymore. Just quietly reverberate as well as overstep away. 

6. [+37, -2] Is he stupid plenty to intend that whatever instructor would write 'oh, this tiddler was a bully, he made other kids purchase him cigarettes, he rhythm out other kids up'... this is his clarification? This is all he's got?

7. [+29, -9] At to the lowest degree he has plenty shame to acknowledge it as well as apologize correct away dissimilar the other schoolhouse dandy celebrities who are belongings out. 

8. [+21, -1] Of all the things to render equally evidence, your educatee record. Anyone who's attended schoolhouse inwards this province would know that nobody believes what's written inwards there.

9. [+17, -0] Student records are as well as thence useless. Even iljins who dandy others every unmarried hateful solar daytime convey materials written inwards in that place similar "bright personality, active amongst classmates, pop amongst friends, great leadership " Most teachers volition write them inwards your favor, it's distressing that he's trying to purpose this equally testify of his character.

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