Jun Hyosung Industrial Plant Alongside Lakai To Characteristic The Hanbok Inwards Times Foursquare Ad

Article: In celebration of Independence Movement Day (3.1), Jun Hyosung wears a hanbok on a New York Times Square ad

Source: Insight via Instagram

1. [+751] Honestly, I intend Jun Hyosung has done plenty where people should halt bringing upwards her past times mistakes. Her disceptation was made from a house of ignorance, non belief, together with she has done all she tin to reverberate e'er since past times getting Korean history certifications andraising awareness for comfort workers. She likely knows to a greater extent than most Korean history than the average individual now. Someone of her fame could've easily gone off to China to brand improve coin simply she's nonetheless hither putting upwards ads for our hanbok, which I discovery admirable.

2. [+354] Just Hyosung beingness Hyosung 👏👏👏

3. [+120] Pretty

4. [+102] Amazing

5. [+55] She's a skillful representative of how to present reflection the correct away

6. [+27] Thank you, kiddo ❤️

7. [+25] She looks beautiful

8. [+22] Beautiful

9. I don't know what she said inward the past times for her to teach abhor simply if she admitted to her error together with studied upwards to brand upwards for it, I intend she deserves recognition for that

10. This is how yous present that yous are reflecting for your past times mistakes together with doing skillful for your country. You tin never crunch someone who industrial plant difficult similar this!!!


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