German Radio Host Nether Burn Downwards For Racist Remarks Close Bts

Article: "BTS is the virus, post them to North Korea" racist statements made past times High German radio host

Source: Chosun via Naver

1. [+356, -11] How tin someone then mentally sick hold out a radio host... He should hold out the i sent to Democratic People's South Korea for unopen to mental treatments...

2. [+226, -3] It's understandable that he doesn't similar the embrace but going equally far equally to say materials similar "send them to North Korea" in addition to comparing them to the virus is racist. Who's his idol? Adolf Hitler?

3. [+75, -7] This guy won't wake upward until he gets ripped apart past times BTS fans all over the world

4. [+42, -1] Just acknowledge to beingness jealous why sweat to receive got downward a grouping because of your ain jealousy

5. [+32, -2] What a nazi


Source: Naver

1. [+653, -4] Send BTS to North Korea? Then where volition yous post yourself? A Nazi asylum?

2. [+226, -5] This is conduct upward an lawsuit of racism, non but BTS. He's likely then mad that these Asians are sweeping upward the world. Europeans receive got ever been almost white supremacy, they don't visit POC equally humans.

3. [+153, -13] Further proof of how pop BTS is

4. [+111, -4] Just unopen to other racist Nazi

5. [+35, -1] The transcend 1-5 rise videos on YouTube Federal Republic of Federal Republic of Germany are BTS MTV Unplugged. No farther words needed.


Source: Naver

1. [+499, -5] Just because Coldplay praised their functioning doesn't hateful no i else is allowed to criticize it. However, yous shouldn't hold out allowed to say personal opinions similar this where yous compare a grouping to a virus that the entire footing is suffering from.

2. [+380, -12] When fifty-fifty Coldplay praised the performance, who create yous intend yous are???

3. [+28, -0] It's fine to non similar them but yous crossed the draw of piece of occupation when yous compared them to the virus

4. [+23, -0] If he doesn't similar the music, he should hold out criticizing the music. You can't but process the grouping similar a virus but because yous don't similar them.

5. [+18, -1] How is that fifty-fifty a comparison


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