Millennial Koreans Interviewed On Why Ane Inwards Four Are Choosing Non To Give-Up The Ghost Married

"Is it necessary to move married to receive got kids?" 2030s conduct non to larn married

Reasons for existence opposed to marriage?

Women: 24.3% patriarchal society, sex inequality / 25.3% existence single makes me happier
Men: 51.1% fiscal reasons / 29.8% existence single makes me happier

Jang Jung Woo, 26, male, companionship employee: "Not getting married has larn a reality. We've reached a lodge where it's larn a major conclusion to conduct to larn married than to non to. My reasons are fiscal but I receive got seen no argue to increase my lifestyle from an private to a family. I hollo back nosotros demand to footstep away from the notion that a 'normal' describe solid unit of measurement only consists of a mom, dad, together with a kid. If I receive got the means, I'd beloved to receive got a child, but nosotros demand to laid the organization together with then that if a kid has a nascency storey that's dissimilar from others, they won't move pitied for it." 

Kim Ji Hyun, 25, female, companionship employee: "Not getting married is my preference. I receive got my skepticisms virtually wedlock together with our patriarchal lodge but I receive got chosen non to larn married fifty-fifty if I receive got the fiscal agency to practice so. I don't desire to bargain amongst the drama of having in-laws together with it's only non a lifestyle I'd conduct to accept on."

Hong, 26, female, companionship employee: "I desire to move inward beloved but I desire to footstep away from the expectation of marriage. My older sis of 4 years got married together with moved out from the describe solid unit of measurement together with my parents supported her past times buying her wedlock gifts together with a downward payment for the house, but when I wanted to leave of absence the describe solid unit of measurement to alive on my ain together with asked for the same support, they said 'absolutely not.' Marriage is seen equally a completion of something that's deserving of back upwards together with choosing to non larn married is seen equally existence 'incomplete'. People don't meet that inward the end, it's all a conclusion that is made past times an individual. I hollo back the authorities needs to meet wedlock together with nascency rates equally ii dissimilar things. The authorities is notwithstanding belongings on to the notion that wedlock = babies, which is why they're notwithstanding failing to heighten the nascency rates afterwards 10 years. I dream of having a immature adult woman of my ain from a donor together with living a happy life together. I yearn to give nascency but our lodge does non give many rights to single women together with men." 

Kim Min Joong, 25, male, freelancer: "I decided non to larn married when I felt that life was overwhelming plenty for me equally i person. Unless we're wealthy, we'd receive got to both receive got jobs, together with I don't hollo back it'd move slow to heighten children amongst ii jobs." 

If y'all Pb a successful life together with receive got the fiscal means, would y'all conduct to larn 'married' or 'not married'?

Women: 67.4% chose to 'not' larn married
Men: 76.8% chose to larn married

Changes inward views on wedlock culture

Orange text: men together with women tin alive together without existence married
Yellow text: people tin receive got children without existence married


Article: "Is it necessary to move married to receive got kids?" 2030s increasingly conduct non to larn married, is at that topographic point a solution to depression nascency rates?

Source: Herald Econ via Nate

1. [+877, -40] If y'all meliorate the character of life for people, they volition receive got kids fifty-fifty when y'all don't desire them to. The authorities only doesn't know what the substance of the final result is.

2. [+784, -28] I receive got ii kids myself but I volition never tell my dongsaeng whether to receive got them or not. It's her ain final result to figure out...

3. [+731, -37] We're non living inward the 90s anymore where people could dream upwards a dream together with larn out to attain it. If you're piteous together with create upwards one's heed to receive got kids, you're basically starting them downward a path of a tragic life. Even wealthy golden spoon couples are limiting themselves to i kid. 

4. [+82, -17] When women larn married, they're expected to non only brand coin at their jobs but handgrip all of the describe solid operate together with kid rearing alone, on transcend of taking help of their in-laws. Men don't receive got to modify a affair since their bachelor days because the women practice it all for them ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ Ladies... if you're actually inward beloved together with desire to larn married, don't receive got kids. Hell opens upwards the 2nd y'all receive got kids. I tell this from sense ã… 

5. [+72, -16] I'm an ajumma inward her fifties. If my immature adult woman were to speak virtually getting married, my offset thought would move "oh no, I'm non that expert at cooking, what could I brand for my son-in-law when he comes over? I'm non ready yet"... but for a adult woman amongst a son? Her offset in all probability volition move "ah, my life volition larn easier i time my boy gets married. Less operate for me to practice over the holidays." She'd in all probability already move on the telephone nagging her daughter-in-law earlier the wedlock already went through. To all of the Korean ladies out there, I propose that y'all practice non larn married. Do non larn married to Korean men.

6. [+54, -0] First of all, we're only non inward an surround that's ideal to heighten kids in. Money is equally good an issue...

7. [+53, -13] Sayuri showed a path that women who practice non desire to larn married tin take. You tin complimentary yourself from the chains of wedlock together with only focus on raising your ain kid. You don't receive got to worry virtually suffering because of your hubby together with the details of divorce together with kid back upwards that the homo in all probability won't pay anyway. 

8. [+48, -5] I chose non to larn married together with pass my coin on donating to children's foundations. I'd rather only accept help of the children who already exist.

9. [+43, -8] Fix the housing crisis together with people volition notice a way to larn married together with receive got kids. At the electrical flow rates, are all of us only expected to pay debt until nosotros die? 

10. [+38, -2] All of the project are centered inward big cities amongst no housing. The suburbs are sum of housing but no jobs. The authorities needs to lower housing costs inward Seoul together with increase the jobs available inward the suburbs.


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