Actor Cho Seung Woo Adopts Domestic Dog From Euthanasia List

Article: Alone inwards the shelter for over 4 months, domestic dog #50... living a happy life at 1 time amongst Cho Seung Woo

Source: Seoul News via Naver

1. [+2,239, -2] A responsible domestic dog possessor really cool

2. [+1,273, -9] Cho Seung Woo ever proves to endure an instrumentalist of class

3. [+967, -74] This article seems similar a jab at Park Eun Suk as well as his creature hoarding ways

4. [+464, -11] Difficult non to compare to a sure enough someone... Cho Seung Woo is showing an representative of responsibility. I promise he lives a long as well as happy life.

5. [+273, -12] How is he as well as thence cute? ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ His ears are as well as thence uniquely positioned ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹

6. [+176, -0] They nation you lot alone take away to encounter 1 to know 10 almost a person. I ever idea Cho Seung Woo was exactly a adept instrumentalist but he seems to endure an amazing human existence too to adopt non 1 of those toy-like pretty puppies but an older abandoned animal. I'm sure enough he'll endure a adept representative to others who mean value that pets are exactly accessories.

7. [+117, -2] But volition Park Eun Suk larn anything from this? He's likely sitting inwards the dorsum as well as swearing almost how he got unlucky yesteryear getting caught. After all, he's the 1 who idea all of the people who idea his actions every bit problematic every bit exactly 'jealous people jumping on the bandwagon to abhor on him'..

8. [+110, -4] This article actually does brand me mean value of a sure enough someone ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ alone adopts purebreds, all those excuses exactly to abandon them inwards the end. Dogs never forget their owners but he was to a greater extent than preoccupied amongst the now, amongst wanting to await cute... Humans ever disgust me.

9. [+96, -2] As someone living amongst 2 xviii twelvemonth former dogs myself, I beloved seeing intelligence similar this. If you lot beloved dogs, get got attention of them until the end. They're family. This is to a greater extent than heartwarming to read particularly afterward intelligence of a sure enough instrumentalist these days.


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