Sunmi Reveals Her Gratitude For Her Step-Dad

Article: Sunmi tears upward piece revealing her 'step-dad', "He raised us 3 siblings fifty-fifty though nosotros don't portion a driblet of blood amongst him"

Source: Insight via Instagram

1. [+1,205] It's together with hence lucky to accept met such a neat novel dad! What an a amazing together with sort person.

2. [+940] It's actually upward to luck inwards life to see such a neat step-dad similar this... I promise he lives a long together with well for y'all life.

3. [+707] Sunmi's nativity manful someone parent must've sent this neat step-dad to the identify unit of measurement to protect them 🥺

4. [+207] So neat to see

5. [+164] Sunmi unni is together with hence sort ã… ã… 

6. [+61] Sunmi's kindness built upward the luck to coming together her step-dad ❤️

7. [+83] How heartwarming to hear

8. [+26] Wow, the dad seems similar such a neat person, together with Sumni, too... It's neat to see how fondly they mean value of ane another.


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