'Foreign Hallyu' Groups Niziu Together With Wayv Confront Potential Political Dilemma With Their Rapid Growth

Article: '3rd Hallyu wave' NiziU in addition to WayV aspect upward an identity dilemma

Source: No Cut News via Naver

Article talks most how 'new wave' groups similar NiziU in addition to WayV are growing super fast inward their abode countries but facing mutual depression temperature watch inward Korea due to their unclear identities, which is beingness regarded equally a 'ticking fourth dimension bomb' 1 time histories in addition to societal issues laid out to overlap... similar controversies over the back upward of Japanese businesses alongside state of war criminal offense history, back upward of Hong Kong police, etc. "A soft export is the side past times side pace but agencies need to hold out to a greater extent than responsible for the side past times side pace inward Hallyu".

1. [+143, -12] These groups having personal menage unit of measurement matters or individual lives is non our describe concern but I shout out back we've crossed the describe inward letting the descendants of state of war criminals debut inward our country.

2. [+89, -9] I select an uneasy feeling that these decisions volition hold out what makes K-Pop neglect inward 10 years

3. [+64, -1] I only don't larn why Lee Soo Man is ever preparation Chinese groups later on all the backstabbing he's suffered from them..

4. [+70, -21] I don't shout out back Park Jin Young is Korean anymore. He's Pro-Japanese.

5. [+33, -1] Park Jin Young-ssi, this is no K-Pop!!! This is equally if a Chinese spy came working inward Samsung in addition to stole all of the technique to leak to China!! Foreigners volition non shout out back of NiziU equally K-Pop but J-Pop in addition to we'll no longer hold out able to differentiate betwixt the 2 genres anymore because they'll hold off the same to them. K-Pop volition thence larn boring. I personally respect Park Jin Young to hold out no dissimilar than a traitor to this province for this.

6. [+23, -1] Jin Young-ah, tin you lot delight only post yourself to Nippon instead of bringing your Japanese grouping over hither to brand money?

7. [+21, -2] I never inward my life imagined I'd run into a K-Pop grouping from a state of war criminal company

8. [+18, -0] Uh, since when were these groups K-Pop? How are they K-Pop idols at all? ã…‹ã…‹

9. [+14, -1] What people need to realize is that K-Pop didn't larn big because it's especial or amazing at anything, it's because our agencies had such depression standards. Once Red People's Republic of China in addition to Nippon re-create our skills in addition to invest their ain coin inward the industry, K-Pop's marketplace portion is going to larn a lot smaller.

10. [+13, -0] Why does Park Jin Young move out on calling NiziU 'our country's group'? Why are they our country's group? They're a Japanese grouping that you lot created to brand your ain fellowship money.

11. [+11, -1] Seeing equally how they included a fellow member who's a descendant of a fellowship alongside state of war crimes, it's clear that NiziU has thrown away the Korean marketplace in addition to intend to remain inward Japan. I was thence surprised to listen that they had such a descendant inward the grouping at all.

12. [+5, -0] I only don't empathize NiziU. No 1 is going to visit that grouping a utilisation of Hallyu.


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