Dunkin Donuts Enjoys Iv Am Lines Similar Starbucks Amongst Outcome Item

Article: Stood inward business at iv am together with even then couldn't purchase it... Dunkin's 'camping folding box' blows Starbucks out of the water

Source: Joongang Ilbo via Naver

1. [+4,673, -46] Koreans are getting to a greater extent than together with to a greater extent than obsessed amongst to a greater extent than or less weird stuff;;;;

2. [+1,329, -41] What's next? Eat twenty bowls of Pyongyang naengmyun together with instruct a costless tour of Pyongyang?

3. [+773, -31] I actually wasn't going to tell anything but this is such a joke

4. [+509, -31] All of the extroverts inward our province are turning into otakus ã…‹ã…‹ all for those damn Instagram likes ã…‹ã…‹

5. [+167, -3] I intend I'd intend quite pathetically of myself if I establish myself standing business at iv am to purchase this

6. [+119, -2] I bet these are the same kids who are even then sleeping when their parents exit for work... but I'll laissez passer on them 1 affair together with it's their decision inward achieving a goal

7. [+111, -3] I don't instruct why people waste materials then much fourth dimension together with coin on this stuff... I know that these same people are likely cautious when buying other things yesteryear checking reviews together with comparison prices... then why are y'all fifty-fifty buying camping ground gear from a cafe? ã…‹ã…‹

8. [+101, -3] I saw a adult woman amongst the Starbucks purse yesterday together with she was taking pictures of her reflection on a concealment door amongst the bag. When I realized that she likely stood inward business inward the early on morning time to instruct it, she looked then pathetic.

9. [+95, -2] I intend people are merely lost correct now. Low self esteem, emptiness inward life... they're all looking for something to fill upward the void...

10. [+72, -1] I sympathize getting this equally a costless gift when y'all purchase something but is it necessary to stand upward inward business that early on for it?


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