Iz*One Wins #1 On 'The Show'

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+354, -104] Next rigged group

2. [+228, -58] This is a daughter grouping made past times a producer who's facing a 2 twelvemonth jail judgement for rigging his show. It's a fleck funny to listen them singing most 'dreams too hope' on phase now. Considering that they trampled on the dreams too promise of others, isn't that a fleck wrong?

3. [+119, -43] Next rigged grouping

4. [+31, -38] Congratulations

5. [+25, -28] IZ*ONE's comeback album sold 400,000 copies its get-go calendar week too bring a fandom big plenty to create amount the Gocheok stadium equally presently equally corona restrictions are over. They're doing daebak good no affair what others are thinking ^^ larn hold off inwards the mirror earlier you lot exit a loathe comment on these pretty kids too reverberate on your life.

6. [+24, -35] So pretty, congratulations

7. [+22, -13] They got digitally dominated past times Oh My Girl

8. [+19, -5] So how are investigations going?

9. [+18, -8] It's unfair that i grouping had to disband piece this one's withal promoting on when everyone knows that they were rigged ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹

10. [+14, -6] IOI too Winner are the groups that hitting jackpot. Got away amongst rigging too withal got to brand coin without getting whatever hate.


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