Dispatch Reveals That Taeyong's Controversial Katalks Were Doctored Past Times A Spiteful 3Rd Party

Source: Dispatch via Nate

1. [+815, -105] So the whole affair was resolved betwixt Taeyong too the victim but the 3rd someone who reported all this was but trying to stir upwardly drama? Taeyong-ah, sue them.

2. [+719, -97] Did I but read this right?? Who is this 3rd someone to live stirring materials upwardly similar this? The victim looks similar they accept a practiced human relationship alongside Taeyong now. This 3rd someone should live sued.

3. [+579, -238] I heard the auction scamming materials was but a rumor too.. people are but actually out to abhor him..;;
- To seat it accurately, it wasn't necessarily a scam. He sold an detail to someone who agreed alongside the atmospheric condition but when they received it, it wasn't inward a status they were satisfied alongside too the ii got into a larn by alongside swears spell trying to larn a refund. 

4. [+90, -31] Wow, locomote SM is doing something

5. [+69, -18] I'm glad the truth has locomote been uncovered. For someone claiming to accept no sick intentions alongside Taeyong, why did they maliciously edit the Katalk similar this? Seems similar they were trying to calorie-free a feud betwixt Taeyong too the victim.

6. [+59, -5] The someone clearly knew that anyone would believe them if they wrote upwardly a bunch of lies on a community board then they wanted to abuse their ability against an idol similar this

7. [+58, -17] It's deplorable that his elevate has to live dragged through the mud upwardly too downward similar this but for existence a world figure, regardless of whether something's truthful or not...

8. [+53, -3] This 3rd someone is absolutely cruel...

9. [+50, -7] How did Lee Taeyong grip it inward all this time? This was then unfair to him..

10. [+49, -4] So he was getting all this abhor for no argue this whole time? To the indicate that fifty-fifty Dispatch had to pace up? This should've been SM's chore but mayhap they felt the withdraw to remain serenity inward representative people defendant them of defending him. I promise SM is taking assist of his mental wellness because this would certainly plow anyone's mental into dust.


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