Yang Hyun Suk To Hold Out Investigated 1 Time Again Yesteryear The Seoul Fundamental District Prosecutors For Drug Scandal Comprehend Up

Article: [Exclusive] Yang Hyun Suk 'suspicion of drug investigation embrace up' to live investigated in i trial to a greater extent than past times by Seoul Central District Prosecutors

Source: Money Today via Nate

1. [+1,998, -18] Jail Seungri! Jail Yang Hyun Suk!

2. [+1,885, -41] Investigate Hong Jung Wook's missy in i trial to a greater extent than too! She brought inwards a slew of tier i drugs too her investigation was basically but a show!

3. [+1,593, -18] Oh yeah! I forgot close YG because of all this corona going on. Please investigate him thoroughly this time!

4. [+41, -0] Does Yang Hyun Suk accept weaker connections than Seungri?? ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹

5. [+36, -0] Finally we're getting around actual investigation done now. Everyone knows what's been going on but YG has e'er gotten away alongside but a slap on the wrist, for crimes that others accept been slaughtered alongside penalization for. I'm glad that things are lastly beingness done right, fifty-fifty if it's late. We tin never demonstrate that coin is to a higher house law.

6. [+27, -0] You actually idea coin would instruct you lot out of everything, huh?????

7. [+27, -0] Can nosotros delight instruct around jurist served? Please produce proper investigations too position downwards a proper judgment. I'm ill of Blue Planet having to endure alongside rage over unjust decisions.

8. [+26, -0] And Seungri? Who's protecting Seungri that the police is too then scared to investigate him?

9. [+20, -2] Yang Hyun Suk too Seungri both deserve at to the lowest degree twenty years inwards jail... no?!?

10. [+13, -0] Please throw this human inwards jail in i trial too for all


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