Rain's Unabashed 'Kkang' Elevates Him

Article: Rain, "Celebrities are entertainers, then purpose me for fun"

Source: X Sports News via Nate

1. [+974, -28] Wow, that's a crazy skillful mindset... His guesting on 'Hangout alongside Yoo' made me similar him

2. [+918, -37] It's a skillful mindset. Other celebrities await to brand all that coin only however bring their soul lives protected... meanwhile Rain... he's a star for a reason. He's a difficult worker alongside a neat mind.

3. [+782, -30] He was ever meant to hold upward successful, he sees the forest, non the tree

4. [+62, -4] He's a truthful celebrity... all the other celebrities pretending to hold upward businessmen together with world figures bespeak to know their place

5. [+54, -4] It's because of this mindset that Rain's a basis star together with everyone inward Korea knows who he is...

6. [+42, -2] That's what's actually annoying close unopen to celebrities. They yell back they're then exceptional when all they practise is alive off of the coin of the public. Then they bring the nervus to deed all soul whenever they larn into a scandal. "Back off, I'll sue". They're the ones hiring lawyers alongside the public's money, then annoying.

7. [+36, -1] A truthful professional

8. [+32, -3] A truthful homo desering of Kim Tae Hee

9. [+21, -0] Celebrities await to brand coin together with solely take away heed positive things close themselves. Rain is non that mindset, which makes him to a greater extent than amazing.

10. [+16, -0] I don't yell back he'll bring antis anymore


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