Lee Da In's Luxurious Habitation Inwards Hannamdong

Article: The course of report of Lee Seung Gi's girl Lee Da In's habitation inwards Hannam-dong

Source: Insight via Instagram

1. [+184] Yes, adjacent stock manipulator please

2. [+84] Even if she personally wasn't the i who manipulated the stocks, both her biological as well as pace manly soul bring upwardly committed crimes. Lee Seung Gi fans wouldn't last hating on her correct forthwith if she at to the lowest degree tried to aid out past times paying dorsum the debts alongside her coin from her career equally an actress ;;

3. [+71] So this is what it agency to convey your sleeping accommodation the size of a living room...

4. [+46] I personally don't aid that she's dating Lee Seung Gi, that's dandy intelligence actually, only I don't know why nosotros convey to run across her identify when it was bought from the profits made through stock manipulation. What if the victims of that scandal run across it?

5. [+28] Stock manipulation is basically living off the bloody tears of others

6. [+27] A identify bought through the sweat, blood, as well as tears of others...

7. [+329] I'm certain the toll of this identify includes the miserable victims of their stock manipulation


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