Seo Yeji's Contract Penalisation Fees Estimated To Full Three Billion Won

Article: 'Society scandal' Seo Yeji's punishment fees estimated to full three billion won

Source: MBN via Naver

1. [+2,831, -17] She messed some for three billion won worth

2. [+1,168, -14] She was able to brand millions a year, why would she pick out to alive her life similar that instead of beingness grateful for what she had.. how is it as well as thence hard? Just alive a variety life. Be respectful of others. Be considerate of others..

3. [+1,128, -39] I volition live boycotting whatever product, movie, or drama she's in. We must brand certain she never steps her human foot dorsum inwards this manufacture again.

4. [+896, -19] Look at how she's however staying tranquillity fifty-fifty now...

5. [+559, -73] I'm certain she's made thirty billion won all this time, she's three billion won to her anyway ã…‹ã…‹

6. [+161, -1] So is she never going to apologize?

7. [+155, -1] I'm only surprised at how advanced Korean plastic surgical physical care for technique is

8. [+114, -5] This is an chance to exhibit guild that yous are non allowed to care for human beings similar objects or toys. The to a greater extent than people similar Seo Yeji are allowed to create every bit they wish, the to a greater extent than hard it is for the genuinely variety to alive inwards our world. I promise Seo Yeji-ssi apologizes to the people she's wound as well as lives her life inwards reflection. All practiced or bad actions volition come upward dorsum to yous inwards the end, or to your children. 

9. [+82, -1] Good riddance... can't believe somebody as well as thence sick of grapheme was paid millions all this fourth dimension to advertise products...

10. [+81, -2] Cough upward all the coin she's made as well as kicking her out for good. Who volition bother watching anything amongst her inwards it forthwith that her grapheme has been exposed? 


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