Big Hitting Amusement Looks To Alter Their Mention To 'Hybe'

Article: Big Hit Entertainment changes fellowship lift to 'Hybe'

Source: Idol Issue via Instagram

1. [+325] I'm actually sorry, Big Hit ㅠ I'll cease making fun of you lot past times calling you lot Small Hit... but Hybe is only non it.. together with are nosotros non going to demand heed the intro jingle when music videos firstly forthwith ! But that's your trademark ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

2. [+286] Why is Big Hit similar this lately? From ane to 10, I don't similar a unmarried matter they're doing.

3. [+148] I abhor this... Please cease focusing on useless things together with only accept assist of your way together with artists.

4. [+65] Stop f*cking unopen to together with clothes your artists properly

5. [+38] This isn't that big of a bargain but it nevertheless pisses me off. Where did they teach Hybe from...

6. [+27] They haven't officially changed it yet. The meeting's develop for the 30th together with they mightiness only proceed Big Hit later on the meeting.

7. [+42] Why...? Just why???

8. [+54] I don't like...

9. [+42] Is it necessary though...?

10. [+18] ;; Why are they doing this. Just accept assist of BTS.


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