Announcers Rest The Near Pop Pick Of Marital Partners For Chaebol Heirs

Article: Chaebol heirs x announcers... changes inwards Chaebol wedding ceremony customs

Source: Kukmin Ilbo via Naver

Article talks well-nigh how chaebol marriages were normally strategic inwards the past, involving arranged marriages alongside other heirs of sizable companies. As Korean companies accept grown to move earth players independent of the request for such support, to a greater extent than chaebol heirs are choosing union partners who aren't based alone on wealth too household unit of measurement background, alongside announcers beingness the most pop selection inwards recent partners.

1. [+634, -81] Are all 3 from the same hospital? They await the same...

2. [+340, -99] Announcers must experience the burn nether their feet ã…‹ã…‹ They accept to pass thence much fourth dimension becoming an announcer too working on their looks to select handle of a chaebol inwards their twenties. Imagine the describe per unit of measurement area if y'all nonetheless haven't been chosen yesteryear your thirties ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ 

3. [+86, -4] I approximate it's slowly to larn far contact alongside an announcer if you're rich enough

4. [+44, -1] One of the women on this listing said on TV that she doesn't help well-nigh a man's earning potential too thence ended upwards marrying a balding human being inwards the plow over 0.1% of wealth inwards our solid position down through a shotgun wedding.

5. [+32, -1] Announcers are a plow over pick for chaebol families because they await intelligent too reserved thence they're practiced for populace ikon but they also normally don't come upwards from super wealthy families thence y'all tin flame merely throw them out if y'all don't similar them without much drama. This happened a lot dorsum inwards the days when chaebol families would accept their sons wed celebrities too promote their construct too thence larn divorced i time their popularity ran dry. It's the same thing, merely changed from celebrities to announcers.

6. [+27, -2] Announcers are reserved too educated too beautiful too. The exact type that chaebols are looking for. Anyway, that JTBC announcer shell a contest of 1,000 other people to larn her chore but she left to larn married to a chaebol ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ all announcers destination upwards ex-announcers.

7. [+24, -1] I hollo upwards merely about 10 years agone when everyone was shocked that No Hyun Jung, who was super pop dorsum then, randomly got married to a Hyundai chaebol. It wasn't quite equally mutual dorsum then. Then she became merely similar whatever other chaebol too at i time lives inwards a dissimilar earth of entitlement too fraud.

8. [+23, -2] The smartest announcer of them all is Na Kyung Eun who married Yoo Jae Suk ã…‹ã…‹ who cares well-nigh getting married to a chaebol? You accept to play to their every whim spell your husband's out drinking around, thence hit out blood too tears over inheritances ã…‹ã…‹ Look at Na Kyung Eun's life. She has equally much coin equally a chaebol, 80% of the solid position down loves her husband, he has a construct clean individual life... shouldn't happiness come upwards earlier money?

9. [+13, -2] Even celebrities reckon didactics when it comes to picking their partners, I'm certain chaebols are a lot pickier. Education is the destination all inwards our country. Doesn't thing how big of a big shot y'all are, y'all accept to near upwards if your didactics doesn't stand upwards up to others. That's why this solid position down runs rampant alongside rigged degrees.

10. [+9, -0] I approximate this merely follows the formula that women request beauty too men request wealth

11. [+7, -0] I experience bad for them... becoming an announcer is basically their access to becoming a chaebol daughter-in-law ã…‹ã…‹

12. [+5, -0] I ever read well-nigh woman individual announcers marrying into chaebols but what happens to the virile individual announcers? Is at that spot no promise for them?


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