Arashi Attributes The Roots Of The Success Of Non-Japanese Groups To Johnny's Legacy

Article: Arashi's ludicrous statement... "The success of non-Japanese groups? Their roots are inwards Japan"

Source: Bloter via Naver [original interview here

[Excerpt:] When asked what he idea Kitagawa’s legacy actually should be, Jun spoke only of the hit-making organization the managing director had brought to Asia.

“Johnny created hence many man child bands inwards his lx years of working together with left an indelible grade non but on the amusement manufacture of Japan, past times bringing it upwardly to a global standard, but also on Asian pop civilization overall, fifty-fifty exterior of Japan, [visible in] the ascension of the Asian pop generation,” he says. “What you’re currently seeing straightaway amongst non-Japanese groups equally good all actually works life its roots inwards the foundational function that Johnny did dorsum inwards the 1960s.”

Even though K-pop is exploding globally, Jun says he harbors no difficult feelings.

“I experience no sense of the form of tribalism that but about people powerfulness imagine, but rather a sense of pride that the architecture that Johnny pose the foundations for decades agone is straightaway lastly starting to cross borders. Even if it’s non beingness done past times Johnny, per se, the legacy even hence continues together with is live together with well. You tin dismiss come across the flowers taking root inwards other cultures together with countries,” he says. Laughing, he admitted, “I’ve definitely heard ‘Dynamite’ quite a few times,” referring to the K-pop grouping BTS’ outset only English-language unmarried that made them the outset Korean grouping to hitting No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. While “Whenever You Call,” the group’s collaboration amongst Bruno Mars, did non arrive at those nautical chart peaks, it’s received a warm reception from international fans who appreciate their idols’ novel accessibility on YouTube together with social channels.


1. [+110, -1] This is what happens when you lot forget to possess got your medication ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹

2. [+77, -1] If we're getting technical, together with then wouldn't J-Pop's roots live inwards the the U.S. of A. together with the west? It's non purely Japanese. The indicate of civilization is to portion influences together with assist each other grow. Instead of trying to improve their ain music, they're politicizing it. That's sad. They should but acknowledge what's truthful instead of beingness hence jealous of it.

3. [+42, -2] I've ever been amazed at how such ugly people were able to larn hence popular. They lucked out on a few practiced songs but it's non similar they're musically talented or anything. They earned fame off of the dorsum of a big means but they're acting equally if they're hence practiced ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹

4. [+36, -2] Are they sane? Just await at their picture. Those visuals inwards Korea would barely larn you lot acknowledged anywhere. They were only able to live plow over idols for over x years exactly because they're from Japan.

5. [+26, -0] So this is how Arashi chooses to limited their jealousy over Korean idols ã…‹ã…‹ aigoo, it'd live amend to live cooler virtually it ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹

6. [+8, -1] One thing's for sure, their visuals wouldn't fifty-fifty larn inwards equally D-tier idols inwards Korea ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ At to the lowest degree SMAP had practiced visuals amongst practiced songs, Arashi doesn't fifty-fifty concord a candleã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹

7. [+5, -0] Talking virtually roots because their talents don't gibe upwardly ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ but similar all the boomers whining virtually "back inwards my day" ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ besides bad Japanese music is but a plagiarism of western music ã…‹ã…‹ together with straightaway their music is influenced past times Korean music

8. [+5, -0] I but experience bad for them

9. [+4, -0] Just pathetic


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