Stylist Reveals Irene Has Made A Personal Apology

Article: Editor writes additional postal service "Irene has personally apologized... I volition homecoming to function later recovering from the hurt"

Source: Joongang Ilbo via Naver

1. [+769, -12] For someone amongst xv years of experience inward the acre to experience that her dignity was insulted, Irene's actions must've exceeded beyond but complaining nearly her clothes. I'm betting that it was a tantrum on the score of Jo Hyun Ah... And acre the recording was something huge for both the means in addition to Irene to apologize. We must non forget that Irene is non someone inward her teens or early on twenties. She's thirty years old, she should know the basic rules of social etiquette. Perhaps she knew how to hitting harder exactly because she knew those rules... I would've rather the recording just receive got been released every bit a alert for the residue of the industry.

2. [+744, -20] I promise that this scandal has helped Irene realize where her house inward life is. She should empathise where she belongs in addition to doesn't belong in addition to human activeness accordingly.

3. [+557, -33] Irene, Red Velvet's picture is getting worse because of you. Just acquire out the grouping in addition to retire in addition to function on becoming a ameliorate human. It's non similar you lot receive got whatever talent to autumn dorsum on. How do you lot facial expression to proceed existence a celebrity amongst such miserable grapheme similar that? Tsk.

4. [+466, -9] If that editor had never come upward forward, she would nonetheless last wearing a mask inward front end of the populace spell abusing others behind the scenes

5. [+312, -11] Irene exclusively surrendered because the victim claimed to receive got a recording. Remember when Seo In Young's career was ruined overnight amongst a recording? Any celebrity who loses the trust of the populace from grapheme issues tin shipping away never recover again... You either receive got to beg for forgiveness similar Kim Gura or Jun Hyun Moo or number a genuine apology that the populace accepts!!

6. [+186, -4] What I've noticed from observing iljins since high schoolhouse is that they're ever practiced to the people they reckon their own. They're practiced at creating sides. They'll express joy in addition to giggle to your human face upward spell making people proper name tears of blood from the back. They're the absolute worst. 

7. [+115, -0] Thank goodness for the recording. If it had never existed, I tin shipping away already say how SM would've handled this.

8. [+93, -2] SM is already trying to pay their way into cleaning upward her picture ã…¡ã…¡ I had my doubts but they actually erased Irene's cite from the existent fourth dimension search rankings ã…‹ã…‹ They're likely thinking that they tin shipping away just bury it for a spell in addition to her fans volition nonetheless last sucking upward to her i time she's back... Anyone who supports someone similar Irene who is exclusively form to the people who are form to her in addition to looks downwards on anyone she feels is beneath her are no dissimilar from her. People aren't meant to last fixed in addition to changed. People similar Irene volition never empathise what this feels similar unless they receive got it move on to themselves ã…¡ã…¡ Let's delight just acknowledge that Irene has years of history of an abusive character.

9. [+87, -4] People aren't meant to last fixed

10. [+86, -10] Irene-ssi, read some books in addition to study. I don't desire to struggle nearly your grapheme or personality because it's obvious that you're the type of mortal to suck upward to someone you lot experience is higher shape than you. I wonder if you've noticed that the celebrities who are all loved yesteryear the populace for a long fourth dimension percentage the same trait, in addition to it's that they know reality. They're non similar you lot whose pedagogy stopped inward middle schoolhouse in addition to whose whole life was spent looking inward the mirror. No i volition shout out back you lot when you lot plow 35. And it's because you're uneducated. This is non an number of your character. You just demand to read books in addition to learn, in addition to you lot volition acquire better. 

11. [+77, -1] For someone amongst xv years of experience to seat her career on the employment for this makes me think that it wasn't whatever i affair that Irene did. I'm certain in that place were plenty of rumors all this time. I promise that Irene takes this chance to acquire that her career is non something that is exclusively reliant on her talent or skill, in addition to that she needs to human activeness similar the leader of the squad that she is. It's ridiculous to me that she didn't realize how of import picture is to anyone inward the industry...

12. [+74, -0] I don't desire to encounter her on TV anymore

13. [+75, -7] I wonder if in that place are nonetheless fans shielding her?

14. [+60, -1] People who are ugly plow you lot off inward the minute but people who are ugly on the within plow you lot off forever

15. [+56, -3] She is non a immature idol, she's facing thirty in addition to should last mature plenty to know better. This isn't a personality that tin shipping away last fixed anymore. She tin shipping away human activeness in addition to enshroud it but her truthful colors volition ever terminate upward showing.

16. [+51, -0] The recording must last insane for SM to non fifty-fifty brand a peep

17. [+47, -0] SM's likely scared. This mortal holds the ability to completely plow this roughly ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ but she's existence in addition to thence respectful over it...

18. [+41, -0] This isn't something a uncomplicated apology volition fix... SM is ever in addition to thence behind on the times

19. [+41, -2] Never come upward out on TV again, I never desire to encounter you

20. [+37, -3] This isn't fifty-fifty an number betwixt i person, Irene's already been an infamous source of rumors inward the industry, tsk tsk. Her career every bit a celebrity is effectively over.


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