Sam Okyere Opts Out Of Novel 'South Korean Foreigners' Recording

Article: Sam Okyere, non participating inward 'South Korean Foreigners' recording afterward closing Instagram from controversy

Source: Kukmin Ilbo via Naver

1. [+287, -6] Sam Okyere looked a woman's trunk upwards too downwardly too defended himself proverb it's a Republic of Ghana custom. Then he tried to hold out funny yesteryear slanting his eyes. These are all acts that he does because he looks downwardly on Koreans. He should simply quit his shows too transition total fourth dimension into a Black rights activist. He has no correct to hold out on our multifariousness shows.

2. [+146, -3] It actually took simply a minute to lose everything

3. [+93, -5] Okyere... doesn't seem to know how to apologize. He should've apologized immediately... how pathetic.

4. [+69, -5] This is why you lot remove to e'er shout out back your roots. He got every bit good arrogant amongst all of his popularity. Go dorsum to your province too alive pathetically there.

5. [+35, -1] Reminds me of that guy from Turkey, Enes Kaya, who disappeared afterward his rumors of an thing came out

6. [+25, -1] It's over for him ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹

7. [+22, -0] He alone earned the fame too coin that he did for existence a foreigner who lucked out. He shouldn't direct acted similar he earned all of that based on his ain merit. He savage difficult every bit a result. These people don't human activeness amongst arrogance unless you lot allow them.

8. [+21, -1] I don't fifty-fifty teach why nosotros laissez passer foreigners these TV exhibit opportunities when nosotros direct tons of struggling people inward our province every bit it is. It's non similar these foreigners fifty-fifty honor us for it?

9. [+21, -2] He's totally lost everything. I dubiety this scandal would've fifty-fifty gotten this badly if he had simply left his postal service inward Korean. Why write an English linguistic communication version too convey racism into it? He's caused every bit good many misunderstandings amongst the 2 posts. He should've been to a greater extent than careful every bit a world figure. Farewell.

10. [+16, -1] He shouldn't fifty-fifty hold out allowed to select to teach on the show, are broadcast officials fifty-fifty sane to hold out letting him dorsum still?


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