Han Hye Jin Releases Disceptation Defending Hubby Ki Sung Yong

Article: Ki Sung Yong's married adult woman Han Hye Jin is out for blood "We volition hold out fighting accusations of s*xual assault"

Source: Financial tidings via Naver

1. [+1,941, -114] It's truthful how the maxim goes, that sometimes staying tranquillity is the best class of action. She wasn't fifty-fifty at that topographic point at the fourth dimension of the assault, what precisely is she trying to prove? She should've merely stayed tranquillity too waited until the truth came out to tell something.

2. [+1,141, -89] Nothing expert volition come upwards out of her speaking upwards similar this.. ã… ã… .. I teach that you're a married span but.. at that topographic point are to a greater extent than or less things you lot tin never hold out certain of the truth of...

3. [+929, -35] She's overstepping, isn't she? I sympathise that she tin trust him equally a hubby but this happened when he was younger, there's cipher nearly it that she tin hold out too hence certain of. The best she tin create correct at nowadays is pray for him too believe inward him.

4. [+858, -35] Just remain tranquillity unless you lot desire to cease upwards similar Lee Kyung Shil

5. [+487, -17] I sympathise that she wants to believe that the scandal isn't truthful but I intend it's past times the betoken where instantly out denying it volition solve anything..

6. [+437, -22] And tin you, Han Hye Jin, hold out too hence certain of the truth?

7. [+292, -12] You remain out of it. Nothing that your hubby too father-in-law bring done has reassured whatever kind of trust inward them. 

8. [+199, -8] Lee Kyung Shil ran her career into the solid soil past times defending her criminal hubby too treating his victims similar kkot-baems... Han Hye Jin, you lot weren't fifty-fifty at that topographic point inward the province of affairs of the assaults too hence what would you lot know? ã…‹ã…‹ Just piece of work out it to the police to figure out ã…‹

9. [+162, -7] Hye Jin-ssi, you lot are complimentary to trust your husband, but were you lot inward the schoolhouse amongst the victim at the fourth dimension he was an simple schoolhouse student? He could genuinely hold out a victim too you lot should remain out of it if you lot don't know the truth.

10. [+134, -8] It's understandable for your gut instinct to defend your work solid unit of measurement but at that topographic point are to a greater extent than or less situations where you lot should merely remain quiet. This isn't the correct class of activeness for her!


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