April's Lee Hyunjoo To Sue Someone Claiming To Endure Erstwhile Staff As Well As Spreading Rumors

Article: April's Lee Hyunjoo files case against old society staff for spreading rumors nearly her individual life

Source: Insight via Instagram

1. [+1,030] The old staff should let out their confront too identity too, shouldn't they? It's unfair that they teach to enshroud behind anonymity spell revealing some other person's individual life regarding their beau too s*xual activities..

2. [+778] Anyone could say that those rumors were fake... ã…‹ And it's hilarious that they fifty-fifty idea of trying to threaten her alongside her individual life simply to bury the bullying scandal ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ also many suspicious elements to the situation... Anyway, let's hurry upward too teach you lot out of this, Hyunjoo-ya...🌼✨

3. [+346] Sue them all too don't forgive them. Lee Hyunjoo, fighting!

4. [+279] I never believed them anyway too therefore Hyunjoo fighting!!!

5. [+269] I was never on anyone's side but.. to mean value of my ain shaver going through something similar this makes me tear up. She has too therefore many years ahead of her where she'll bring to alive alongside the trauma of the mental too emotional torture... 

6. [+266] The somebody should've at to the lowest degree uploaded proof that they were a old employee. Who would believe their storey otherwise? ã…‹ã…‹ And I don't fifty-fifty know what her individual life has anything to practise alongside her beingness bullied.

7. [+123] ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ Apr members too their means simply postulate to hurry upward alongside an apology missive of the alphabet ã…‹ã…‹ terminate trying to force this nether the rug, you're all going to teach exposed anyway

8. [+88] What did the old staff mean value they were doing? What does her individual life bring anything to practise alongside her beingness bullied? ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹

9. [+57] It's already over for April. DSP is trying to alter the province of affairs simply about the best they tin but they're simply earthworks their ain grave deeper too deeper.

10. [+46] Whether she has s*x alongside her beau or non is none of my trouble organisation too has zilch to practise alongside why she was bullied past times her ain group./


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