Na Inwards Woo To Supersede Ji Soo Inwards 'River Where The Luna Rises'

Article: Na In Woo form inward house of Ji Soo for 'River Where the Moon Rises'

Source: Insight via Instagram

1. [+405] You never know what volition hap inward life together with therefore yous should e'er strive to live on kind

2. [+254] He has such a handsome expression upward together with withal he has to pretend to live on a fool to play Ondal.. that's quite the vibe...

3. [+196] He played such an innocent component inward 'Queen Cheorin', I mean value this volition live on a much to a greater extent than fun component for him. It's a must spotter 👍👌

4. [+322] I mean value he's a skillful match

5. [+142] Since the previous thespian was removed from the drama for existence a schoolhouse bully, I'm certain they did their background question on this guy earlier casting him 👏👏

6. [+39] Nice casting 👏👏👏

7. [+65] I never watched this drama exactly I should inaugural of all 👏👏

8. [+74] Hul, I dear this

9. [+15] Wow, I never idea to form him exactly he seems similar a skillful fit 

10. [+8] Wow, I mean value he's genuinely an fifty-fifty improve fit ㅋㅋ Let's all strive to live on kind, guys


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