April's Naeun Removed From 'Taxi Driver'

Article: April's Lee Naeun removed from 'Taxi Driver' subsequently 'bullying' controversy

Source: Insight via Instagram

1. [+1,268] Don't alive your life similar that...

2. [+1,108] Her penalisation is every bit good weak inwards comparing to the crimes she's committed

3. [+532] I'm curious every bit to how she was variety at all.. when she can't fifty-fifty act

4. [+699] Make her pay earlier she leaves

5. [+230] And bye to you, Lee Naeun

6. [+147] Naeun's bearing the brunt of the media harm because she's the facial expression upward of the grouping simply it's getting bad for them overall. Jinsol, Yena, Chaewon, too Naeun ask to hold out publicly embarrassed. Crocodile tears won't earn forgiveness. I experience too hence bad for Hyunjoo... DSP's official statements convey been rotten trash too.

7. [+130] Wow, how many people convey to endure because of her? At to the lowest degree a duo dozen people are impacted past times decisions similar this.

8. [+112] They're refilming everything.... sigh... what did the other variety too staff members produce to deserve this

9. [+174] Remove her from the manufacture too

10. [+90] Seolhyun stayed too finished her drama until the end... she's too hence shameless


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