Actor Ji Soo To Enlist Inwards The Regular Army This Yr Subsequently Tanking His Career Inwards The Bridge Of A Week

Article: Ji Soo to enlist inwards the regular army inwards populace service inwards October

Source: Chosun via Naver

1. [+4,819, -27] Is the regular army a house to run away to? ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ Why is a schoolhouse groovy fifty-fifty serving inwards populace service? The armed forces should investigate whether he's fifty-fifty qualified. There's no i every bit shameless every bit him ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹

2. [+1,691, -9] But he's playing a full general inwards his electrical flow drama. So he's physically okay when he's shooting dramas but of a abrupt sick when he has to serve inwards the army?

3. [+1,658, -15] So he's non fifty-fifty serving properly besides ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹

4. [+510, -7] It's ever populace service ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ I actually mean value there's an regular army broker out in that place doing all this

5. [+261, -1] He should live on going to jail.. non the army... too specially non inwards populace service...

6. [+195, -1] Even inwards the midst of all this, he's serving populace service too... What a agency to live on hated until the end. He's actually simply doing the most, isn't he.

7. [+184, -2] So he was rigid plenty to trounce upward kids but he's of a abrupt besides weak to serve?

8. [+115, -0] He should live on going to jail, what's alongside the populace service??? Not entirely did he groovy other students but he s*xually assaulted them ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ Don't fifty-fifty bother alongside the army, that's where actual human beings become ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹

9. [+96, -0] This guy should live on going to jail


Article: KBS on Ji Soo's bullying controversy, "We volition live on swapping him out alongside simply about other thespian too re-filming everything"

Source: Media Today via Naver

1. [+216, -0] This drama was pre-filmed too therefore I heard that they were basically close done alongside the filming.. ã… .ã…  oh no. The misfortunate cast, director, too staff who suffered for this ã… .ã…  Each infinitesimal of a drama doesn't simply come upward out of no where. We actually ask to commencement including contract clauses that concur actors responsible for events similar this.

2. [+135, -0] We should non condone a basis where criminals larn to alive happily. All trash must live on constitute too kicked out.

3. [+82, -6] Sure, I tin sympathise the declaration that these kids were immature too immature too didn't know better... but non celebrities. They don't larn to live on celebrities. If they really experience remorseful, they should volunteer at charities for the residue of their lives too alive a life of reflection...

4. [+74, -1] Please commencement including cases of schoolhouse bullying inwards educational activity coursebooks Use anonymous names if you lot convey to, simply commencement detailing what happens to people alongside their jobs if they're constitute to live on schoolhouse bullies. Then students volition never live on able to grow upward to brand excuses similar "we were immature too didn't know".

5. [+21, -0] Trash similar Ji Soo volition never reflect. There's no saving him. Even inwards this moment, he's likely thinking that all these pigs got him inwards trouble. 

6. [+18, -0] This is a practiced illustration to exhibit the entire field that if you lot groovy others inwards school, it volition come upward dorsum to concur you lot dorsum inwards life

7. [+17, -0] If agencies desire to debut celebrities from straight off on, they ask to brand certain that in that place is zip history of schoolhouse violence

8. [+14, -0] This is practiced on KBS. We ask to post a rigid message that schoolhouse bullies volition non live on tolerated inwards our society. We must brand certain that our schools are violence free.


Article: 'The alert of schoolhouse bullying', All it took was iv days for Ji Soo to live on kicked out of both dramas too CF deals

Source: Everyday Econ via Naver

1. [+793, -5] Go to jail, non the army...

2. [+336, -2] This is a practiced thing. We must brand certain to do a lodge that criminals are never allowed to spread their wings.

3. [+252, -3] Since when did nosotros telephone phone populace service 'the army'? So he had no work using his forcefulness to wound others but is straight off choosing to serve populace service inwards the army? ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ 

4. [+169, -5] I can't believe faces similar his are trendy these days. The adults were ever weary of such physiognomy.

5. [+69, -0] The celebrity manufacture tin foreclose this from happening i time to a greater extent than past times including clauses inwards their contracts proverb celebrities volition live on responsible for 100 times the contract fee if it's constitute that they convey a history of schoolhouse bullying.


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