Stray Kids' Hyunjin Embroiled Inwards Schoolhouse Bullying Rumors

Article: Stray Kids' Hyunjin responds to schoolhouse bullying rumors

Source: Dispatch via Instagram

1. [+364] Seems similar people volition believe anything equally long equally y'all postal service your graduation album..

2. [+192] I don't know nearly the other agencies but I know that anyone out of JYP would never convey bullied others. JYP makes certain to banking corporation gibe educatee records all through elementary, middle, as well as high schoolhouse earlier they sign y'all on. There's simply no way.

3. [+116] First Youngjae as well as at nowadays Hyunjin... They haven't given a controversy on Hyunjin yet thence I'm non certain how this volition play out but if it ends upwards true, as well as then I promise he truly apologizes...

4. [+100] I mean value JYP is treatment this inward the best way. Instead of straight off shielding their artist, they're initiative of all checking to teach the facts straight

5. [+93] Honestly, though ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ don't Stray Kids as well as Seventeen appear actually clean?? What practice these people fifty-fifty gain out of spreading simulated rumors similar this? ã…‹ã…‹

6. [+32] All celebrity instances of schoolhouse bullying should endure investigated. It's amend on the fans, too.. I simply don't know how nosotros got to this request inward the initiative of all place.

7. [+27] You tin tell simply from Yoon Seobin from 'Produce 101' (yes, he was cutting later his scandal came to light) that it's non plenty to simply banking corporation gibe educatee records inward schoolhouse earlier signing idols on

8. [+8] I similar how JYP is treatment this. They're choosing to practice things correct fifty-fifty if it's their ain vocalist on the line. Our Han's problematic lyrics from uncomplicated schoolhouse was straight off admitted past times JYP without whatever shielding as well as he gave a genuine apology. I trust that Hyunjin volition endure able to grip this as well as have the penalisation that is appropriate (since the province of affairs is however ongoing, I'll refrain from proverb more). 

9. [+7] He's had schoolhouse bullying rumors since the starting fourth dimension of his debut.. as well as I shout out upwards a lot of people leaving the fandom over it too.. simply sayin

10. [+4] But... the ask...


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