Kbs Edits Controversial Poster For Documentary

Article: "Humans evolved to buy the farm white?" KBS makes edits to poster afterward racism controversy

Source: Insight via Instagram

1. [+103] Whenever I run across materials similar this, I wonder how the contest to larn into KBS tin endure in addition to then tough in addition to soundless they tin endure this thoughtless..

2. [+23] Who designed this?

3. [+10] As expected from KBS 🙌

4. [+7] Then what are Asians? In the middle of evolving? ㅋㅋ

5. [+4] What a waste materials of my licensing fees

6. [+2] Who's the ba$tard who drew this?

7. [+1] Hul, I idea this was a poster from the U.S. of America 😵 I'm certain this poster went through many confirmation stages in addition to soundless no i idea to grab it? ㅡㅡ What inward the globe 😱😭🤬

8. How did no i realize that this would endure controversial earlier they fifty-fifty position it out?

9. KBS is ever such a mess, it's amazing 👏👏👏

10. If yous tin endure this dumb to run a broadcast network, I tin run my ain too


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