Hwang Hana Booked For Drug Run During Probation, Rumors Swirl Virtually Abrupt Croak Of Husband

Article: Namyang granddaughter Hwang Hana booked for suspicions of drug travel during probation

Source: Korea Econ via Nate

1. [+2,505, -17] Hwang Hana simply gets to a greater extent than makjang past times the solar daytime because her parents are ever willing to selection upwards the pieces past times shielding her amongst coin no thing what she does

2. [+2,336, -16] I guess fifty-fifty useless trash similar her tin endure born out of a wealthy family. If she couldn't fifty-fifty hold off until afterwards probation to travel drugs, she's already addicted. And why was she stealing when she has to a greater extent than than plenty to purchase whatever luxury proficient that she wants?

3. [+2,028, -12] Please starting fourth dimension punishing her properly

4. [+337, -3] She got married to a guy who she tried to frame for her drug travel as well as he ended upwards committing suicide. She didn't fifty-fifty exhibit upwards at his funeral. Her husband's friend is also currently inwards a coma afterwards a suicide travail equally well. How tin this adult woman telephone outcry upwards herself a human being? She's already famous inwards Gangnam correct immediately for causing expiry upon whatever she touches.

5. [+226, -3] After her solar daytime of the month amongst Park Yoochun ended, she got married to approximately tattooed upwards guy as well as he truly committed suicide non also long ago

6. [+220, -3] Her husband's dead as well as her friend's swain is also inwards critical condition. Hwang Hana truly needs to endure taught that actions convey consequences for her to realize that she can't endure acting similar this anymore. Her parents necessitate to halt protecting her from everything as well as allow her experience the fright of the existent world.

7. [+201, -1] I experience thus bad for the hubby who got married to her. He committed suicide... She forced him to produce all sorts of drugs as well as and thus tried to frame him for everything, which eventually led to him committing suicide. They were an absolute mess on Instagram but I never saw i describe of piece of occupation of word close it, but I guess that's expected for a household unit of measurement from Gangnam... simply comprehend it all up.

8. [+163, -1] Hwang Hana's hubby committed suicide. His funeral was on the 26th. She tried to frame him for drug travel as well as he couldn't handgrip the injustice of it all as well as jumped off their rooftop. There needs to endure to a greater extent than word close this. Hwang Hana is the scariest individual ever.

9. [+156, -6] Hwang Hana as well as her woman bring upwards concord null shares inwards Namyang. Namyang cutting ties amongst them thus I don't know why the media is thus fixated on that.

10. [+149, -1] Sucks for Namyang. Hwang Hana isn't fifty-fifty their blood granddaughter. She's the granddaughter of a mistress, practically a stranger to the principal family.

11. [+125, -2] I heard her swain commit suicide...

12. [+111, -1] This adult woman is seriously no joke


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