How Much Longer Tin Laissez Passer Notice Tv Set Shows Become Away Without Wearing Masks On Set?

Article: How much longer tin laissez passer the axe TV shows pretend that 'masks doesn't exist'?

Source: Kyunghyang News via Naver

1. [+44, -1] Whenever nosotros sentinel 'Superman Returns', my kids continue bespeak me why they're able to larn on vacations together with non wearable masks then I stopped watching it amongst my kids...

2. [+15, -0] I empathise that their profession requires them to demo their faces but it's difficult for us viewers to relate when they're similar this. To encounter them all inward groups together without masks on only feels then out of place.

3. [+13, -0] It's hilarious to me that we're non allowed to larn together inward groups similar this but of a abrupt it's okay if at that spot are a few cameras inward forepart of y'all ã…‹ã…‹

4. [+13, -2] Can't sentinel TV anymore because our kids continue whining every fourth dimension they encounter the 'Superman Returns' kids ã… ã… 

5. [+3, -0] Seeing celebrities without masks on TV makes me worried almost what they powerfulness live on spreading.. They should wearable it at to the lowest degree for the sake of their healths.

6. [+1, -0] I intend it's of import that TV shows stride upwards equally an representative since they're a medium consumed yesteryear then many people.

7. [+1, -0] Maybe when all these famous celebrities grab the virus together with quarantine, at that spot volition live on to a greater extent than opportunities for the nameless to invitee on these shows. 

8. [+1, -0] They won't larn it until individual big catches it. Stop affecting those roughly y'all together with starting fourth dimension wearing masks. You powerfulness halt upwards dead.

9. [+1, -0] So everything's okay for these TV shows equally long equally they position upwards the caption "all prevention measures were followed"? So nosotros tin laissez passer the axe larn exterior without a mask on spell belongings a sign similar that too?" ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹


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