Chungha Tests Positive, Criticized For Assist Birthday Party

Article: Singer Chungha confirmed for virus... "I was careful then I'm sorry"

Source: Maeil News via Naver

1. [+2,800, -102] No demand to hold upwards sorry.. only follow self quarantine rules together with larn improve soon

2. [+725, -85] There's a departure betwixt catching the virus because y'all were out when y'all weren't supposed to together with catching it because y'all were working ã… ã…  catching the virus because y'all were working difficult is non a crime. Get improve shortly together with come upwards dorsum amongst skillful songs fighting!

3. [+515, -28] As if beingness sick isn't bad enough, y'all instantly possess got to experience deplorable to everyone...

4. [+265, -23] Funny how people are then selective amongst who they conduct to excuse. When mortal anonymous is inwards the tidings for catching the virus, the comments are e'er similar "stay home!! halt going out!!" but when it's mortal famous similar this, they're then busy defending them..

5. [+225, -48] ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ Chungha was at Guudan Mina's birthday political party inwards a pandemic??? In a pandemic?? ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ Farewell, I won't hold upwards seeing y'all out far... what a agency to ruin your positive icon overnight similar that

6. [+173, -5] People were then harsh together with critical when a representative came out of a Yonsei University birthday political party but when a celebrity catches the virus at around other celebrity's birthday party, no ane says a word...

7. [+152, -21] This is disgusting. I heard she caught the virus because she attended a birthday political party but she conveniently left that purpose out together with ended it amongst an apology ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ that's gross

8. [+84, -4] I heard she caught it at Gugudan Mina's birthday party. Really? A birthday political party inwards these times? ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ Especially when nosotros know celebrities don't vesture masks piece they're working

9. [+77, -5] Why would y'all fifty-fifty become to a birthday party... only shipping their introduce through the mail... this makes me then angry...

10. [+71, -2] You tin tell only from watching diversity shows that celebrities are non social distancing at all...

11. [+66, -3] Why is she maxim she was careful when she was at the birthday political party ã…‹ã…‹

12. [+57, -2] Oh, y'all were then careful but y'all attended the birthday party? ã…‹ã…‹ At a fourth dimension when we're getting over 500 cases a day? ã…‹ã…‹

13. [+29] I know her fans are similar "what is at that topographic point to hold upwards deplorable for" but Chungha should definitely experience deplorable for this. She has iii days left earlier her comeback together with dozens of people worked difficult to larn inwards happen, nevermind all the investments that others possess got made every bit well. There are then many jobs at stake because of Chungha's ane action. All y'all may encounter is the vocalist but at that topographic point are dozens of people working difficult behind her too.


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