Stephanie Confirms Human Relationship Amongst Brady Anderson

Source: OSEN via Nate

1. [+396, -40] Damn... he's one-time plenty to last her father

2. [+364, -47] Basically manlike individual nurture too daughter, this is no relationship

3. [+280, -36] She could easily last one-time plenty to last his daughter... this only doesn't await normal to me.

4. [+27, -1] The man's non fifty-fifty that rich too then I dubiety she's dating this ajusshi for his money. Let's non last besides difficult on them nearly the historic catamenia gap.

5. [+27, -6] He's handsome. Our ain province has stars who espouse partners immature plenty to last their children too then what's upward amongst the best replies?

6. [+19, -0] Americans don't assist nearly age. They don't fifty-fifty enquire nearly it.

7. [+19, -4] Please hear your ain businesses

8. [+14, -2] Huk, was that painting present of him from xx years ago? Because 56 years one-time is practically a grandpa...

9. [+12, -2] Apparently he's divorced but nevertheless living amongst his married adult woman too daughter? And yet he's also dating an Asian woman? If he was a Korean human being inwards our country, he'd last exiled. 

10. [+11, -0] Foreign countries don't genuinely assist nearly historic catamenia gaps, too it's genuinely mutual to encounter people larn married to partners every bit one-time every bit their parents. It's solely our province that's fussy nearly it.


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