Kang Instant Kyung Launches Shopping Mall 'Avie Muah', Netizens Scrap Toll Point

Source: Sports Kyunghyang via Nate

1. [+217, -9] Buy it if you lot desire but I reject to pass my difficult earned coin on helping celebrities play creative mortal at inflated prices

2. [+174, -5] Is this closed to other province of affairs similar alongside Seo Jung Hee...

3. [+144, -2] As if they don't build plenty money, straightaway they tin offset businesses in addition to teach complimentary promotion inwards the media similar this

4. [+40, -1] If this was whatever other shopping mall, you lot could merely say people to non purchase it if the prices aren't to their liking in addition to deed on but this shopping mall is celebrity run. You accept to acknowledge that there's a malicious intention past times these celebrities to role their fans to sell things at high prices. 

5. [+23, -0] Her slave fans volition all the same purchase it

6. [+12, -0] Seems similar people blew closed to hot air into her inwards convincing her to opened upwardly 1 since everyone praises her for her style. I checked her prices in addition to fifty-fifty pants are inwards the 200,000 won range. I'm certain it's the cost of ameliorate materials but this is dissimilar from the humble, talented unni impression that I got from her YouTube. This feels to a greater extent than similar something Jessica would do.

7. [+4, -0] First of all, the build yell is trash ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ who's going to recall that

8. [+2, -0] Why bother hating? Just don't purchase it, okay? She'll teach bankrupt in addition to disappear all on her ain if you lot don't purchase it, okay?

9. [+2, -0] So instead of fans buying her gifts, they should merely purchase from her store or what..?

10. [+2, -12] Just don't purchase it if you lot intend it's expensive... non similar at that spot aren't alternatives out there


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