Paju Metropolis Determines Jennie's Gathering Was Non Inwards Violation Of Whatsoever Rules

Article: Paju metropolis makes determination on Black Pink Jennie's report

Source: Insight via Instagram

1. [+551] Then what virtually restaurants together with bars, they're opened upward for draw concern purposes? Why should they cause got to unopen at 10 pm?

2. [+263] Paju said it wasn't a violation hence why are people hence mad still?

3. [+289] Anyone wanna tell me the exact divergence betwixt a celebrity's YouTube channel that they upload for fun together with an means running 1 for draw concern purposes...?

4. [+214] I heard that YG had already submitted all the paperwork to the garden earlier entering. She's getting way every bit good much abhor over something she didn't exercise wrong. If this is problematic, hence so are all those other YouTubers who are gathering inwards groups too.

5. [+163] Sigh, accept it upward amongst the government, non Jennie. She already submitted all the necessary paperwork together with people are nevertheless throwing a fit, what exercise you lot desire her to exercise at this point? ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ Go arrest all the other YouTubers every bit good then.

6. [+230] Hmm. Looks similar nosotros bespeak to teach out along a closer oculus on celebrities who cause got YouTube channels. Either way, whatsoever YouTuber who has a gathering of to a greater extent than than v are getting caught.

7. [+57] People are hence damn jealous of Jennie ã… ã… ã… 

8. [+50] Some of you lot bespeak to simply acknowledge that you're hither to abhor together with campaign problems... aigoo..

9. [+93] The article states: "The filming was non for Jennie's personal utilization but filed formally past times her means hence it is non inwards violation of social distance rules." The metropolis said hence correct at that topographic point hence are you lot people who are nevertheless hating simply hating for the sake of it??

10. [+28] An idol filming themselves for their YouTube amongst their dancers together with all is simply an idol doing their job. Even a personal YouTube channel is nevertheless providing content to their fans, which should count every bit work. Furthermore, Jennie already received permission from the place to celluloid together with submitted the proper paperwork ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ Paju metropolis has determined that no violations were made.


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