[Updated] Chanyeol Posts Apology To Fans Iv Months Afterwards Scandal

Article: EXO's Chanyeol opens upwards 4 months afterwards his ex-girlfriend exposed his individual life

Source: Insight via Instagram

1. [+235] Seems similar right away that the celebrity manufacture is busy amongst all these schoolhouse bullying rumors, he saw it every bit a conduct chances to role this chance to await "not every bit bad every bit the rest" together with brand his return...

2. [+110] I don't similar that he's exclusively opening upwards right away without whatever specific refer of the scandal. He's only attempting to bury over it hence that he tin plow over notice come upwards back. It's making a joke out of both his fans together with the public... hence ill of it ã… 

3. [+70] There is nil inward the apology alphabetic quality where he admits to his mistake. What is upwards amongst these cheaters, sigh -..-

4. [+25] He's basically admitting it amongst the agency he's unable to specifically utter most the scandal

5. [+25] He says that the scandal was forced upon him ã…‹ã…‹ similar he's roughly victim inward all of this

6. [+25] Just beacuse y'all ship service an apology doesn't hateful y'all weren't that form of someone inward the past...

7. [+8] With how noisy it is amongst the bullying scandals, it seems similar he's trying to skid nether the radar, how dare he ã…¡ã…¡

8. [+7] So you're basically admitting that the scandal is who y'all actually are

9. [+41] What is this? ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ So he's had his fun amongst all the women together with right away he's bespeak his fans to convey him dorsum because he did roughly reflecting? ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹

10. [+8] Just nigh up...

11. [+3] So what's the truth? Did y'all slumber amongst 10 girls spell y'all were dating your ex or not?

12. [+1] In summary, he's basically confirming that the scandal was true


Source: Dispatch via Instagram

1. [+147] Park Chanyeol-myung (yeol myung = 10 people), become dorsum inside

2. [+111] If you're hence sorry, together with hence y'all should've apologized correct away from the start. While us fans were struggling amongst the other members beingness embroiled inward all sorts of other rumors, y'all ignored us for 4 months together with went on hiatus.. but right away that the movie's most to last released together with y'all possess got to larn dorsum to promos, y'all intend nosotros don't know that y'all were forced to write this apology? ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ This is no dissimilar than how Irene was acting. At to the lowest degree Irene apologized together with admitted to her fault correct away, what most you? Sigh

3. [+186] What a joke, leave

4. [+56] I gauge fifty-fifty the fans hither are notwithstanding denying it..

5. [+30] You're exclusively apologizing right away because the motion painting together with EXO's comeback are inward the works? You should've admitted it from the start. You're going to "pay dorsum the love"? Unless you're producing together with writing every unmarried vocal for this comeback, y'all tin plow over notice become correct dorsum inside.

6. [+63] Shibal, only move out please

7. [+18] Look at him posting in ane lawsuit again earlier something's most to released. Quit it. Are your fans a joke to you?

8. [+11] ninth anniversary my butt.. only move out the group

9. [+5] No to a greater extent than of this "I'll pay dorsum the love" nonsense. Why create celebrities ever tell this whenever they larn into a scandal? 


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