Jessica Opens A Novel Eating Seat Inwards Chungdamdong 'Clareau'

Article: Jessica opens a eating seat inwards Chungdam

Source: Idol Issue + Wikitree via Instagram

1. [+309] I've been a fan since earlier Soshi's debut too kept supporting her since she left. I did experience a flake pose off yesteryear her mass only I volition acknowledge that her eating seat is real classy too good furnished downwards to every prop she chose. It reflects Jessica's nature inwards the attending to exceptional too design. I assumed the toll of the dishes would hold upward truly expensive only considering that it's located inwards Chungdam, it's truly quite inexpensive ㅋㅋ the nutrient looks high lineament too. I'm non certain most the sense of savor only I'm certain we'll teach reviews on that shortly too. 

2. [+206] Oh, I see

3. [+113] Jessica, alone child, Illinois, Chicago

4. [+81] A earth of their own...

5. [+78] I see

6. [+77] Restaurants similar this ordinarily serve small-scale portions at high prices. The prices themselves are nifty considering that it's inwards Chungdam. I mean value it's alone getting abhor because she's a world figure...

7. [+47] The house looks truly classy

8. [+25] It's 30,000 won for ane pasta dish... ㅎㅎㅎ then if yous guild 2 pastas, it's over 50,000 won... ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ

9. [+24] Jung CEO-nim 🥰👏💛

10. [+17] Why is the 'actress' championship yet on her though ㅋㅋ


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