In The Midst Of Schoolhouse Bullying Scandals, Netizens Mourn Ane Item Case

Article: The schoolhouse bullying scandal that develop Korea upside down... remembering a middle schooler's suicide banker's complaint 10 years ago

Source: Joongang Ilbo via Nate

With schoolhouse bullying beingness brought dorsum into the headlines, netizens remembered a 2011 schoolhouse bullying scandal where a middle schooler took his ain life. The scandal itself was particularly harrowing because his final moments were caught on an get upward CCTV earlier he took his life. 

A part of his volition read: To my father, who e'er loved me as well as sometimes gave me allowance money, give thank y'all you. To my mother, who e'er allow me learn away amongst beingness a bad boy as well as who e'er kept me inwards her thoughts, I dear you. To my hyung, who e'er forgave me fifty-fifty when the bullies ate all our food, as well as who was e'er then proficient to me, give thank y'all you. And to my friends, who were e'er proficient to me, give thank y'all you. And to my teachers, who e'er supported me fifty-fifty though I was proficient at nothing, give thank y'all you. Please alter the doorlock password on our home. The bullies know it then they powerfulness come upward inwards our dwelling family again. Farewell, everyone. 


1. [+4,681, -11] My pump breaks every fourth dimension I run into that picture. I experience then sorry... To all the people who claim that nosotros should forgive as well as forget bullies? Because they were immature as well as immature?? Who are y'all to learn to determine that? Can y'all imagine if your ain kid was inwards the get upward similar this? Do y'all intend that fourth dimension volition genuinely brand y'all forget the pain?

2. [+3,870, -8] The motion painting is then sad... Can parents delight get-go taking an involvement inwards how your children acquit exterior of your home? Please brand certain that your children aren't out at that spot beating on other precious children...

3. [+3,440, -15] Why practice people proceed proverb bullies should travel forgiven, that they should travel given a 2d chance? Why would individual who beats others travel of whatever aid to our society? The entirely aid they tin travel is if nosotros either lock them upward or kill them off. It's the entirely means to protect others.

4. [+195, -0] His bullies must travel 25 years onetime now. I wonder what they're upward to?? They should travel living their lives inwards guilt... but it makes me angry to intend that they're in all likelihood living comfortably correct now.

5. [+164, -0] A motion painting I tin never forget... I can't imagine how miserable his struggles must've felt...

6. [+149, -0] The motion painting rips my pump apart... Child, are y'all inwards a ameliorate identify now? I promise at that spot is entirely happiness where y'all are...

7. [+124, -3] This motion painting never fails to brand me get-go crying inside a 2d of seeing it. I but desire to tell him then badly that I'm sorry... I wonder what his bullies are doing today? I desire to know their identities straight off that they're adults.

8. [+100, -0] The worst of them all are the ones defending bullies proverb that they were immature as well as immature. Destroying anyone's soul similar this is a offense no affair what.

9. [+81, -0] His bullies must travel adults now... hmmm

10. [+52, -1] We must push clit schoolhouse bullying past times the roots


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