Hyuna Denies All Schoolhouse Bullying Rumors

Article: Hyuna writes words of consolation to simple schoolhouse classmate who claimed to hold upwards bullied

Source: Insight via Instagram

1. [+722] I wonder if they felt meliorate most themselves later going this far to prevarication most it...

2. [+764] Why non written report the instructor likewise ㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+338] As someone who graduated from the same high schoolhouse equally Hyuna, I assure you lot that this rumor is unfounded. I sympathise that the cyberspace has learn a house where you lot tin sack limited your grievances but it tin sack also hold upwards maliciously used to origin lies too rumors to manipulate the media. The Hyuna that I knew was never capable of violence, allow lone putting anyone down. She was ever respectful of others. I intend it's of import for the populace to realize that alongside all this schoolhouse bullying #metoo going on, in that place are nonetheless simply about who are using it for malicious gain too that nosotros shouldn't hold upwards too thence quick to rush to judgment.

4. [+537] People are going to origin coming forrad alongside stories most pre-school forthwith too how too thence too and thence grabbed them

5. [+125] Enough alongside this! If you lot were bullied inward school, dice get got it upwards alongside the mortal too learn an apology from them.

6. [+187] Slapping a cheek inward simple schoolhouse ㅋㅋㅋ I don't know if it's truthful or non but who hither has graduated without getting into i create create alongside a friend?

7. [+486] Hyuna won 👏

8. [+40] Hmm.. if this type of bullying happened inward middle or high shcool, I concur that proper punishments ask to hold upwards dealt.. but it becomes a grayish surface area for me alongside simple school. Yes, what happened was wrong, but alongside how much fourth dimension has passed, there's a possibility that your retention of it was misinterpreted...

9. [+26] We'll never hold upwards able to know the truth too thence nosotros tin sack solely promise that these people alive on inward life alongside a feeling of their ain shame

10. [+15] Sure, yes, schoolhouse bullying is bad... but how many people never got into i create create alongside their friends inward school..?


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