Yang Hyun Suk Together With Yang Instant Suk Sell Shares To Big Striking For Xv Billion Won

Article: Former YG CEOs Yang Hyun Suk brothers to sell stake to Big Hit together with earn fifteen billion won

Source: Insight via Instagram

1. [+222] Soo Man-ssi, delight protect SM

2. [+100] Soo Man-ssi, protect Lysn

3. [+69] I sympathise that around immature kids are worried inwards hither because they're fans together with all but Big Hit has no guarantee that BTS volition ever last working alongside them together with it's hard for amusement companies inwards full general to keep grouping popularities over a long time. That's why they're distributing investments into other companies together with garnering to a greater extent than shares

4. [+70] F*ck ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ It's hilarious to me seeing all the comments acting similar they know amend well-nigh concern dealings than Bang Shi Hyuk

5. [+49] Why are people calling this betrayal together with a waste matter of money? Do you lot guys non know how businesses work?

6. [+20] Why is Bang Shi Hyuk existence similar this ã…¡ã…¡

7. [+22] I wishing Yang Hyun Suk would merely sell all his shares together with quietly retire from the manufacture for good

8. [+14] Big Hit's crazy

9. [+9] BTS debuted proverb Big Bang were their component models... together with instantly he owns a stake inwards Big Bang's agency..

10. [+5] So this is why Big Hit stock has been on the rising these few days ã… ã… 


Source: Insight via Instagram

1. [+105] Are they non thinking of the fans? ã… ã… ã…  How tin terminate you lot set 2 competing groups on i ship, what are nosotros supposed to do? The 2 fandoms already receive got a bad human relationship equally it is

2. [+172] Big Hit is then damn addicted to investing correct now...

3. [+68] YG together with Big Hit both need to wake up

4. [+8] I gauge stocks volition become upward good if they travel along this up

5. [+266] YG Plus is a distribution company, non an amusement company. They volition basically last inwards accuse of producing together with distributing Big Hit's albums together with digital music. Not certain why people are proverb that this lowers YG's cast or calling it around form of merger when it's non 😭

6. [+64] It merely feels like... Big Hit isn't focusing on growing their ain talent together with then they're merely instead giving coin to YG to lessen their ain risk.. either way, it's a win win for both agencies, no?

7. [+14] Can Big Hit delight merely halt already

8. [+15] Why is Big Hit existence similar this, tsk tsk. They're then greedy correct now, they're selling H2O together with investing inwards a misogynist society similar this, tsk tsk

9. [+1] Aigoo, aigoo, getting involved alongside a society I'd rather never beak well-nigh ^^ !


Article: 'Naver' V-Live + Big Hit 'Weverse',  how are fans reacting?

Source: Dispatch via Instagram

1. [+110] I wishing Big Hit would knock it off ^^

2. [+80] All of the fan reactions inwards the article are faux ^^ Twitter genuinely went crazy at hearing that Lysn would become away together with hitting #1 ^^

3. [+66] I wishing individual would receive got away BTS from Big Hit. They wouldn't fifty-fifty receive got whatever coin to last making these investments if non for them

4. [+44] #SM_protect_lysn

5. [+27] Please, Hit, halt this, wasn't the bakery enough? Please halt this

6. [+20] I'll overstep away if Lysn goes away together with SM goes into Weverse #SM_protect_lysn

7. [+9] Oh f*ck, halt it already

8. [+11] No, I abhor this, stop;

9. [+6] Big Hit? More similar Small Hit

10. [+6] Big Hit, delight stop...


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