South Korea Sees Kickoff Instance Of Human To Pet Virus Transmission

Article: South Korea's initiative off virus transmission to pet is a infant kitten

Source: Insight via Instagram

1. [+329] Poor kitty has to endure because of its possessor 😢 

2. [+220] So it's possible for humans to have handling merely what's going to travel on to the kitten? How volition it hold upwards treated? 

3. [+116] So I gauge it tin hold upwards transmitted from human to animal. Is this treatable? This is getting as well as then much worse past times the day.

4. [+79] The pathetic infant kitten ㅜㅜ what did it produce to deserve this ㅠㅠ

5. [+66] I shout out upwards reading that it couldn't hold upwards transmitted to cats inward the beginning. I wonder if the variant caused it to change...

6. [+57] Aigoo, I promise this doesn't drive people to start abandoning their cats now...

7. [+27] So what's going to travel on to the cat? Hopefully they won't position it downward or anything, right?

8. [+1] We accept to hold upwards careful


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