Actress Vocal Yoo Jung Of 'School 2017' Fame Dead At 26

 Article: Actress Song Yoo Jung, decease at a beautiful age... 26 years old

Source: Naver

1. [+132, -2] May she residuum inwards peace. I promise she's inwards a improve house now...

2. [+81, -17] Why did she choke when she's in addition to then pretty ㅠ ugly me is nonetheless living on ㅠㅠ

3. [+26, -2] No affair how difficult life gets, this, too, shall pass.. how unfortunate. I promise she rests inwards peace

4. [+23, -0] I don't know what her struggles were only this is unfortunate. May she residuum inwards peace.

5. [+19, -2] I idea she was such a fresh in addition to pretty model for Estee Lauder... may she residuum inwards peace.

6. [+13, -0] I don't know why such pretty girls are committing themselves. The celebrity manufacture is no house for anyone. Life is also difficult inwards there.

7. [+8, -1] Honestly, I didn't require heed near her until today, in addition to then I looked upwardly her pictures in addition to she has such pretty in addition to distinctive, almost mixed-ethnicity, features that aren't ordinarily seen on Koreans, from her olfactory organ to her profile... it's unfortunate that she never garnered to a greater extent than fame for it. I'm certain she spent all her life hearing near how pretty she is in addition to yet the celebrity manufacture is in addition to then unforgiving. I wonder if she never became to a greater extent than famous because she didn't play past times the corrupted rules of sponsors..

8. [+7, -1] I honestly don't know her that good only I promise she finds peace inwards heaven, it's upsetting that such a immature life was lost


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