Star Online Tutor Reveals Her Banking Concern Describe Organisation Human Relationship Alongside Thirteen Billion Won

 Article: Star tutor Lee Ji Young shows proof of thirteen billion won inwards banking venture account... "stocks as well as existent estate are separate"

Source: Korea TV via Naver

1. [+1,411, -39] What is at that spot to say? She used her ain skills as well as worked her agency upwards a capitalist lodge to earn her coin fair as well as square. Whether she made 10,000 won or a billion won, it's non similar she harmed anyone to brand it. Just experience jealous as well as compass her a thumbs up.

2. [+325, -16] Please sentry out for scammers as well as people alongside bad intentions. You're never supposed to exhibit off money, sigh.

3. [+186, -8] One of the worst things you lot tin sack practise is brag most coin similar this... you lot accept everything to lose as well as nada to gain.

4. [+54, -18] Why exhibit this when then many people inwards our province are struggling correct now? Is she sane?

5. [+34, -0] She deserves applause for achieving such wealth as well as honor inwards her champaign of locomote but I promise she realizes that this accomplishment couldn't accept happened without the assist of many others. As a teacher, I want she would've been to a greater extent than humble instead of guide upwards showing off her banking venture trouble concern human relationship similar this. There are then many people going through hardships as well as struggling correct now, I don't intend she could've revealed it inwards this trend if she was considerate of their struggles. Her bragging only makes her appear less classy equally an instructor.

6. [+31, -1] It's overnice that she's rich but publicly showing it off similar this only makes you lot a target for criminals. Sigh.

7. [+30, -2] I'm jealous but she doesn't appear similar anyone deserving of admiration


Source: Wikitree via Instagram

1. [+590] If you lot compare her older videos to now, you lot tin sack tell that her vocalism has gotten worse.. it's a sign of how difficult she's worked through the years. I'm jealous of the coin she's made but I could never dream of working equally difficult equally she has.

2. [+214] She's worked difficult inwards life wealth seems similar luck that you're either born alongside or not

3. [+117] I jurist there's a argue why she chose to live on an online tutor afterward graduating from Seoul University... she was never shy most calling her credentials the locomote past times of the game inwards her field

4. [+28] She could earn a crap ton of involvement on that 5

5. [+14] thirteen billion won..??


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