Kim Hyun Joong Reveals He's Gearing Upwards To Provide To Promos

Article: Kim Hyun Joong reps, "Carefully planning to provide to promos... no projects inwards the industrial plant yet"

Source: Insight via Instagram

1. [+465] Park Yoochun volition survive dorsum at this charge per unit of measurement too

2. [+272] Please screw off..

3. [+274] What a joke, y'all amend non crawl dorsum on TV unless it's for a documentary almost your scandal

4. [+175] Stay home

5. [+122] To all of y'all maxim that he's innocent, did y'all non read that he had to pay a penalisation for injuries he caused from assault...?

6. [+94] The courtroom already ruled him innocent but await at how people are reacting still;; if you're going to abhor on him, at to the lowest degree know the facts

7. [+42] Please only "carefully" larn back.. release a controversy too

8. [+37] His "butthole attack" texts were too thus potent that I don't intend I could accept him seriously inwards whatever drama...

9. [+33] Screw off

10. [+23] I won't survive watching anything amongst him inwards it

11. [+21] Yeah, no

12. [+14] Nope


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