Jung Hyung Don To Get Got Approximately Other Suspension To Operate On His Anxiety

Article: "Anxiety disorder is getting worse" Jung Hyung Don pauses broadcast promos again

Source: Joongang Ilbo via Naver

1. [+1,465, -25] Take assist of yourself. And notice strength.

2. [+672, -16] Whenever I run into a celebrity's elevate come upwards up on the search rankings, I start worrying...

3. [+434, -34] I've never met him too exclusively ever saw him through TV but I've e'er gotten the impression that he's a highly considerate too caring soul amongst a lot of fun too talent. Please don't experience similar y'all bespeak to rush anything too merely focus on your wellness too existence happy. We'll all hold upwards waiting hither until y'all come upwards dorsum

4. [+241, -8] Doni oppa, your wellness is e'er the priority. Take your fourth dimension amongst your respite too come upwards dorsum when you're ready..

5. [+166, -12] Take assist of your health.. I'm certain he's feeling the stress of losing a swain friend recently..

6. [+115, -6] Please don't travel out him whatever abhor comments. It's e'er the variety ones similar him who allow things stew inside.. Hyung Don-ssi, await at how many people are supporting y'all then don't pay whatever of the abhor whatever mind. You're a talented celebrity who deserves to hold upwards where y'all are. The whole province knows your name...! We merely desire your happiness. Fighting.

7. [+61, -2] At first, I idea that the means he kept pausing his travel made him look irresponsible... but similar a shot that I'm to a greater extent than agreement of his situation, I merely mean value that if he was my ain identify unit of measurement member, I'd desire him to quit or accept a respite too. His ain identify unit of measurement too friends are telling him that it's okay to accept a respite then it's non our delineate of piece of job concern at all to conduct keep an sentiment on that. 

8. [+63, -6] Maybe he should regard a career change.. wellness should e'er come upwards first


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