Hong Jin Immature To Provide Her Master's In Addition To Doctoral Degrees Later Thesis Was Flora To Endure Plagiarized

Article: Hong Jin Young "Returning my master's as well as doctoral degrees... I'm upset that anything I state volition merely audio similar an excuse"

Source: Joongang Ilbo via Naver

1. [+5,203, -173] "Regardless of reason"...? Pretty certain the professor who graded y'all said it was 99% plagiarized ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ why is it that celebrities are ever excusing themselves similar "regardless of the reason" whenever they instruct into a scandal? ã…‹ã…‹

2. [+3,936, -78] She avoids having to explicitly nation what just she did incorrect as well as instead says "I worked difficult on my thesis but I'd rather laissez passer on upwards my marker than convey it expire a controversy". Not similar that marker affects her career equally a vocalist as well as she'll solely instruct herself into a bigger mess if it's establish that her professor begetter had anything to produce alongside this as well as then I approximate she's smart plenty to know that it's amend to cutting her losses straight off than later.

3. [+2,849, -91] I don't mean value she gets it still... She claims that she worked as well as then difficult on her thesis alongside her professor as well as is upset that it's beingness reduced to a pct straight off but her professor said that it was 99% plagiarized...?

4. [+2,178, -103] Her whole identify unit of measurement is a bunch of scammers. I recall her woman bring upwards bragging close her doctoral marker as well as then they were all inwards on this together?

5. [+1,325, -66] I don't mean value returning the degrees volition produce anything. She was all over TV bragging close her doctoral marker as well as scamming the entire patch over it. 

6. [+861, -11] Imagine going from beingness an iljin inwards a technical high schoolhouse all the agency to a doctoral marker inwards merchandise ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹

7. [+777, -11] She's returning her master's as well as doctoral degrees but what close her bachelor's? I wonder what she got on her college entrance examination as well as how she got into college at all. On posts written past times others from her hometown, obviously her high schoolhouse ranked final inwards its suburb as well as a lot of her college classmates said they rarely saw her attention course of report at all. So how'd she instruct her bachelor's too?

8. [+632, -8] You mean value returning your degrees volition hold out the halt of it? You as well as your begetter bespeak to hold out nether police line investigation ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹

9. [+591, -8] I never understood how a tiddler from her depression ranking high schoolhouse ever got all the agency to a merchandise doctoral marker anyway ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ her encephalon seemed close equally empty equally a tin tin flame ã…‹ã…‹


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